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Anyone else have swelling issues with this meno problem? It's only one ankle..not the other. Strange.

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4 Replies

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    I often have both my ankles aching and swollen. I cannot really see them different or swollen. But they feel swollen and very painful. I beg my husband to massage them.and it helps if he is not too tired.

  • Posted

    When I was working, I would be on my feet all day. My ankles were always swollen. Since I have been unable to work, my ankles are much better. I don't want to give advice not knowing the exact cause of your issue, but I recently was reading about low progesterone and it mentioned swelling as a symptom. Many women believe they are low on estrogen during perimenopause. The more I read, the more I am inclined to think it is progesterone that is the culprit. I once read the analogy, "estrogen is like growing grass and progesterone is the lawn mower." Apparently, if you don't mow the grass, lots of nasty side effects.

  • Posted

    yep...thought it was heart related but nope. Doesn't happen all the rime or as much when i walk regularly and stay hydrated. Also notice it right before a period....which could be anytime or whenever...cant keep up anymore. Then i turned my other ankle and ended up ia boot for 3 months so now i have two swollen ankles. Such a sexy look...

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