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I've been on here a couple of times about my TKR back in March. I'm getting alot of swelling clear down into my ankle and foot. Wondering if anybody else has had this happen? Starting to really scare me that something could be wrong. I put my foot up when I can and ice but had to go back to work last week so it's a little hard to do. Just looking for some advice.

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    Still waaaaaay too early. Virtually all of it will be gone in about 12 months...some less, some more. Even at one year, I could still see a very, teeny-weeny difference between the old knee and the new one. It goes away very gradually...there's no big leap. One thing is for sure: Push the knee too far any given day and you get "balloon knee" for 2-3 days. I learned that lesson at 5 weeks when I did 8,200+ steps. It took only one time for me to learn to listen to the knee.

    Get a pedometer. Check and chart your STEPS...distance and time are irrelevant. It's the number of steps that put pressure on the joint. If it swells, you did too many. Back off, heal and resume GRADUALLY. At 8 months, I was doing 11,000+ steps with zero problems.

    But understand that this has to be combined with the mandatory muscle rebuild for those atrophied quads, glutes, core, etc. Strengthening those muscles takes pressure off the knee, enables you to walk correctly, regain your balance and master stairs like a normal person somewhere in the 9-12 month range. I was able to go up stairs TWO AT A TIME by 14 months without holding onto anything. It takes time, work and patience. Really tough at the beginning but there's a HUGE payoff at the end. I'm 3+ years post-op and I don't even think about the knee anymore. But ya gotta do the work...slowly!!!

    • Posted

      I know that it will take time, but what worries me is the swelling clear into my foot. It puffs up really bad will it do this clear down from the knee ? Appreciate your advice just worries me.

    • Posted

      Swelling not directly attributable to the knee replacement, especially in the foot, is called edema. There are "stages" of edema based on a professional doctor or nurse pressing on the swollen area and evaluating how deep the swelling goes, how long it lasts to go back to its original shape, etc. Lots of things can cause it including diabetic neuropathy, fluid retention (the big one), some medications, etc. A doc has to make the call and discover the ROOT CAUSE of the edema.

      One thing you can do immediately is cut your salt intake...like down to almost zero. Yes, you need some salt in your diet but many prepared foods (like canned soup) contain HUGE amounts of sodium. Check what you're eating and go for the low-sodium alternatives. You will be shocked at all the foods producers load up with salt...it's staggering...

      Next, check all your meds to see which ones have swelling and edema as possible side effects. A pharmacist is THE PERFECT PERSON to find that out for you. They know more than the docs...especially if the edema is being caused by the interaction of two or more drugs. If this is so, talk about alternatives. Pharmacists know an awful lot!!! (I was married to one for 25 years...she was an incredible professional.)

      In the end, you'll still have to see a doc about the edema, find its root cause and fix it. Meanwhile, elevate the leg as much as possible and avoid walking too much. If your foot swells, sit down and elevate. Edema, if a correct diagnosis, can be a sign of other problems. I'd see a doc ASAP.

      PS: My current wife was a nurse for 30 years and my daughter is a graduate nutritionist from Rutgers University. We know this stuff cold...

  • Posted

    I'm 18 months in and mine swells to twice its normal size every single day.

    • Posted

      That's just not right. I'd see the surgeon for some imaging. Find the cause and get it fixed. Typically, almost all the swelling is gone by one year and anything residual should resolve by 18 months. The knee should definitely not be that size at this point. If you have done all the ROM work plus the muscle rebuild to take the stress off the knee and put it back on the muscles where it belongs, something else is going on...

    • Posted

      HI I had my knew knee last November and its still swollen like a balloon and only get 75 degrees, Got an minipulatiin and thats all ge could achieve so disapointed, As i work hard and still do im self motivated to do well but surgeon says its scar tissue and advice going forward.

    • Posted

      I'd see another surgeon. Bring all you casework plus imaging. Question the doc: Can you get me a better result? Keep looking. I would say that the swelling should be subsiding by now but all that scar tissue at 75 might be getting in the way. Definitely a second opinion.

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    Does it swell clear down your leg into the foot?

  • Posted

    Had a buddy named Jeep in NYC in the 60s. If not painful or injured, increase walking. Movement is the magic cure for TKR recovery . Regards, RJ

    • Posted

      I drive Jeeps! Have for 30yrs now! My screen name is Mouthyjeep! 😁 Love Jeeps!

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