swelling feet..
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Hello Ladies hope you all are doing well. I have a couple of qyestions. For starters I am 47 I have not had a period in two mm months when that happens doees that cause crazy hormones I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Secondly I have read where Peri can cause water retention. Does that include legs, ankless, feet. I know I don't have a kidney or liver disfuction every six month when I have thyroid check my doc also does cmp panel blood work and this time he did a cardiovascular risk assessment blood work not sure what that reveals but anyway do any of you ladies deals with swollen ankles and feet and does one side swell bigger than the other.
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cazjaz16 donna38794
donna38794 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 donna38794
trudy77450 donna38794
donna38794 trudy77450
Beetle1965 donna38794
When it first happened it freaked me out, not just a bit puffy, definately swollen, I went to the GP and he just said edema, I asked if it was period/hormone related and he said no (?) For me, it must be, it happens just before and during a bleed, I think it's high estrogen in my case, I think my progesterone is running out.
I don't have any remedy to it - does anyone else?
donna38794 Beetle1965