Swimming after Total Knee Replacement?

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I am having pool therapy and have been told not to swin yet. Does anyone have idea when I can get swimming again?

Also on a completely different matter, will I be able to have MRI'sin the future?

I have real problems with my tendons at the backs of my legs (not TKR related) but I thought you can't put metal into these things?


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I was swimming crawl at about 8 weeks, but I've heard you should avoid breaststroke . . can't really understand why. On the one hand they say it's as strong as it will ever be immediately,, and yet say don't swim..

    . . . suppose it must be to do with the tendons and muscles . . I shall be interested to hear about the magnetic resonances too!  As titanium is non magnetic, shouldnt be a problem I imagine, but who knows!  don't want our knees flying off the couch and attaching to the magnet . . . .

  • Posted

    I've had mri's since and was of no concern. Hydro of any kind after all the drainage has stopped( even the slightest bit). I has several weeks of hydro therapy starting @ the 9 week point after my original tkr. Someone on here a few weeks ago said they were told not to do the breaststroke but don't recall the reasoning behind that.
  • Posted

    I've had mri's since and was of no concern. Hydro of any kind after all the drainage has stopped( even the slightest bit). I has several weeks of hydro therapy starting @ the 9 week point after my original tkr. Someone on here a few weeks ago said they were told not to do the breaststroke but don't recall the reasoning behind that.
    • Posted

      Think that may havebeen me. . but as I also said, I can't see the reasonaing behind it!  Yes doing that sideways kick typical of the breaststroke is not comfortable, and for that reason I don't do it. I don't think it can be either good or bad . . .but it's a bit like the fact that people are often warned not to twist the knee . . . I just treat mine with a bit of respect, as I want it to last as long as I do!!
  • Posted

    Everyone is different. I saw my consultnt after 6 weeks TKR. At that point he said I could go swimming again but not do breast stroke for another 6 weeks. Check this out with yor consultant.

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