Swimming head
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I’ve been feeling ok , but today back to square one . I’ve had a bad headache , verging on a migraine . I have tablets from the doctor , so hoping that won’t get any worse . My tummy feels off and just generally not right . The thing that worries me if this shimmy head . That’s the only way I can describe it if this makes sense to anyone . I can remember in puberty having lots of strange head issues like this , so perhaps I am reverting to those symptoms during peri . Last period was over a week late . That was just over two weeks ago and now my boobs are achy , so probably going to be a bit early this month . I always get a migraine a week or so before . Oh the joys of peri . I am 50 , turn 51 in August . Thoughts please , as my health anxiety is acting up again .
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Gypsy014 jane63977
Hi Jane, I tell you whenever I'm feeling so low with one symptom or another I always check in here and find someone going thru very similar to that exact same thing in that moment in time.. I'm laying here waiting for my monthly migraine to escalate.. Its always in my left temple and it climbs and climbs until I'm almost vomiting,, I really can't take much more of these.. And the swimming head comes on about a weeks worth of that until the migraine erupts .. And today is the day for the migraine and it will last 3 lovely days.. Its always the same every single stinking month!!!!! I mark my symptoms daily because I had a hysterectomy with ovaries left so no bleed, so no clue where I'm at in cycle ,, but some months I can feel myself ovulate with the pain and other months I will go months with no ovulation pain , on those months I'm guessing I'd be skipping periods if I had a uterus.. But anyways symptoms very daily but always the same thing every month, just a repeat of the same... I have the sore boobs, and the night sweats, and the dizziness, and the off balance and the doom gloom, and the panic anxiety, and numbness everywhere and the low sugar and the fainting feeling and shakey feeling , my Lord the list goes on and on.. But what I can't stand are the awful migraines which stop me in my tracks, and is visiting me today, and its early this month yay... The swimming head feeling that I get too before the migraine hits me is like an off balance swaying dizzy while turning to quickly.. I don't recall any of this during puberty myself, but did have raging hormones thru it.. Is your migraines always in the same spot of the head???
lori92895 Gypsy014
Hi! I am 51 years old. I been having that swimmy head problem lately too. I'll be sitting down and my head will feel dizzy and I feel the need to grab something sturdy. I've had migraines since I turned 25. I relate them to being too tired. My sister says I should exercise. But all that does is make me tired and gives me a headache. No way. She knows nothing about migraine. She teaches an exercise class and she just talks about it all the time. It makes me crazy!! I also have had rheumatoid arthritis since I was 22 and at that time took care of only one child then the family had another and the migraines started. My sister also doesn't know that with the arthritis fatigue sets in and doing whatever on top of that makes me very tired. This peri-menopause stuff doesn't help any thing either. I can only get 6 of my prescription pills on my insurance a month and sometimes I need more. I have noticed that my migraines can be on different sides of my head. If they are in the front I am in big trouble with throwing up and being really weak and even have chills. Lately it wears me out and on the next day and I can't do anything. I can pretty much handle the ones that are on the sides of my head with sometimes aspirin and Tylenol and drinking a lot of water. They will go away and then come back. It's hard keeping the prescription medicine in stock. I hope you all feel better.
I need to go to bed. I had to mow today and am feeling a niggling pain right now in my head.
Have a good night.
Gypsy014 lori92895
Hi Lori, I also have rheumatoid arthritis and yes the pain and fatigue is off the charts bad... Super bad... And I don't know how a migraine can make you feel so sick, but I also get to where I'm going to throw up and really bad chills until it passes, its one of the most horrible symptoms I've had to deal with , I've never had them before all my hormones went whacky.. I can't imagine having them the rest of my life, I really hope they resolve soon as hormones settle.. And I hope and pray your feeling much better soon too , and find some relief.. The RA alone is so hard to deal with, and menopause on top is REDICULOUS...
debi62095 jane63977
bad head eye and ear and neck pain on one side
like u ladies I suffr too don't know if hormone related but since in menopause had loads - itsa worry its nothing sinister isn t it...………….. nice to know not alone but its pretty awful isn't it...hugs xx
sharcerv52408 jane63977
Hi Jane63977,
Thanks so much for posting this. I have been going through the same thing for the past two days. I didn't quite know how to put into words how my head was feeling but you summed it up well by saying, "swimming head." That's pretty much how it feels. My period just ended yesterday and by evening I started feeling woozy and faint while I was sitting down. Thank God I was sitting! Then I felt like the room was moving and I had that swimming feeling in my head. Earlier that day I kept getting a weird glare in the corner of my eye which made me think that a migraine was coming. I get them too and the heat wave here in NYC doesn't help. It's like a 100° out. But it's good to know we're not alone in this. I can relate to the health anxieties. Take care. Hope you are feeling better soon.
loretta63638 jane63977
Hello all you ladies,
I suffered through all those symptoms until I surrendered to my doctor and took a BCP which stopped all of those symptoms. Ovocon 35 was the pill I took until my periods stopped completely after 1 year, than I transitioned to HRT Activella through menopause at 51 and I am still taking it on a reduced every other day and I will be 62 in August. I will sometimes still have some symptoms but mild if and when they occur and that is since I went off the BCP Ovocon and on to HRT. I never felt better when taking the bcp, I wish I didn't have to stop. Just some thoughts if you ever considered it.
Take care and I hope you all feel better soon.
Gypsy014 loretta63638