Swing mood during perimonapause

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hi again as I'm 52yrs old female and going through perimenopause beside nausea dizziness that have hit me  Since two weeks and annoyed me a lot (,nausea come and goes anytime during the day ) I m very frustrated crying most of the time I feel that is the end because all this symptoms make me inactive .is there any safe supplement that suppress this hell ,I read that HRT increase the factor of getting breast cancer .any help ,did someone try something natural .i m very desperate .

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Randa. Sorry you are going through this. Are you still having a regular period? I am going through a lot of physical symptoms (I'm 51). Lately I've been achy and felt like I got hit by a bus. After months of flooding periods I have had a lot of spotting but no regular period in the past 60 days. I take vitamin D, magnesium , DIM, and iron when I'm bleeding. I have pelvic pain everyday! Just know you aren't alone. This has been a rough ride.....hoping it gets better soon for all of us.

    • Posted

      Hi dear .for almost a year my period was irregular ,and then very few droplets for the last two months and half for one day .lately the nausea ,dizziness and swing mood are killing me make me afraid to go out .really I'm not me .i hope I could cope with these symptoms .

  • Posted

    Hi Randa,

        Fun isn't it?  (You got to laugh every once and awhile.)  

    So you said you are in perimenopause, so I'll assume you are still having regular periods.  No doubt at 52, things are slowing down.   So the best things you can do right now are eat really well, drink clean water, get good sleep, avoid stress, do a little exercise, take a good multi vitamin, and do something just for yourself everyday.   All those good things that keep us running s well as possible.

    Now as far as HRT, please don't take the Women's Health Inititive on face value. Please remember that the hormone "drugs" used in that study were all synthetics.  And as far as breast cancer, the synthetic estrogen arm of that study did not show an increase in breast cancer.  Only the combination therapy, so the progestin was a part of that problem.  But as far as usng natural "bioidentical" progesterone, the jury is still out.  So don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Not all HRT is the same, and not all HRT is a bad thing.  

    I thought I was doing really well when I got to menopause.  But as the years slipped by and my hormone base changed dramatically, then I got into vaginal atrophy and dryness.  Trust me it's not fun.  So HRT.......here I come.  I guess my thought is, never say never, cause sometimes you don't know what's around the corner.    


    • Posted

      Hi gailannie

      my period is not regulat anymore and my gynecologist told me I m in perimenopause depending on my hormone test .i think you are right but don t you think that natural supplements are more safer then HRT such as Macafem ,monapol plus I ve just read about them on the net .

  • Posted

    Hello Randa i was put on Sertoline anti depressant for my crying and mood swings started on 100mg it has helped me personally. Just suffering from hot flushes night sweats and lack of sleep went to doc to see if i could get night tablet but was told theyre addictive night medication and put me on Estelle Duet 1mg hrt took the first tablet then spent all night worrying about the effects ie cancer heavy painful periods weight gain which id also read up on blogs. Ive not had a period since August and they were irregular fortnightly and heavy and felt totally worn out so im so glad not to have a period which is why i decided not to go hrt route also another thing once you stop taking hrt your symptoms come back so back to square one again. Ive decided to take menopace, sage, black cosh, osteocare calcium, cod liver oil instead so its early days at the moment until they get into my system.

    Hope this helps and wish you better

    • Posted

      Hi chery

      i m thinking to get natural supplement as Macafem ,monapol plus but I m still doing my research .i ve heard that sage is a good supplement for menopause I ll start taking it .thanks chery 

  • Posted

    Hi Randa your not alone I'm 41 and going through the same and like you my moods are Not good! I got my hrt patches yesterday and it's a very low dose and I'll start on Monday, do your research and go to your doctor, don't be scared to think abt hrt as the risks are low and as long as there's no history I need your family, I'm sure there's lots of herbal alternatives out there too, the flushes and moods are so bad I had to try, I wish you well. Xx

    • Posted

      thanks dear I wish you ll get better with your patch .as I'm going through menopause fear is one of its symptoms that made me crazy so I ll try to calm down and do more investigations to kill this fear .

  • Posted

    Hi Randa,

    I'm 48, this is new for me, but I do feel your pain! I find myself getting sooo emotional a lot of times, my husbands lack of interest of what I'm going through makes me so mad! I have been coping but I feel like I'm also in desperate need of help! My appointment is coming soon, I hope I can also get help.

    I was on so many hormone meds, including injections, to help me though my pregnancy....my baby is 15 months old today, and I'm considering for another one, just so my little one can have a sin king near his age!

    Mind you, CONSIDERING!

    Best wishes, take care, and good luck!

    God bless all the women out there, who go above and beyond any call of duty!

    • Posted

      Hello gayle

      i wish all good luck full of health  in getting a new baby .may God surround you with peace .

  • Posted

    Randa, your question is do I think natural supplements are safer than HRT.  I guess that depends on how you look at things.  Your body is doing what's natrual, it's aim is to shut down the system so that us older ladies don't have children any more.  But with that comes changes in every endrocrine system in the body, as they all work together.   While natural supplements might mask some of the unpleasant symptoms, they don't address the underlying cause of our bodies distress.  Coconut oil, or vitamin E capsules might possibly help with vaginal dryness, I have yet to read a study that says it restores the tissues and elasticity, because your vagina isn't missing coconut oil, it's missing estrogen.  This condition should not be taken lightly.  I have heard of women who have had pain simply from walking, and those who's vagina has shut down to the point of "webbing" shut.    And this lack of estrogen also causes bladder problems, UTI, and dyness throughout our bodies, including our eyes, mouth, hair and skin.  If it's doing that on the outside, what must our internal organs be going through?   

    I think natural remedies are a wonderful thing for those who want to try them. But what we are really hoping to achieve is some "chemical response" that will hamper symptoms.  So  what's the difference by achieving a "chemical response" using the chemical that your body is lacking?   Natural supplements sometimes work, sometimes they don't.  But we need to be honest about their effectiveness.  

    • Posted

      Hi gailannie  

      thanks a lot for your useful explanation ,you made me aware of a lot of important points concerning both chemical mdedication and natural supplements for   menopausel symptoms .

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