Switch from night to morning 20mg Citalopram

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So on Wednesday (9th Dec) my psychiatrist recommend that i switch my tablet from night time to morning as it was affecting my self, so that night i missed my tablet and started taking it at 6 in the morning instead, the last 2 days i have been sleeping better but not really wanting to get up in the morning, my anxiety seems to be up a little again and just generally feeling low. Is this normal as you change times? I'm only 9weeks in on starting so i know its still early days, but I'm just wondering if it's normal to feel a few side effects from switching from 6pm to 6am. My anxiety is trying to convince me that I'm more ill again, that me being so tired is something more serious (i must mention i suffer insomnia to, which is another reason i was asked to switch to morning as the work as a stimulant too) i manage to fall asleep about 4-5am and i don't seem to get up until 1-2pm, it wouldn't bother me so much if i didn't have 2 kids, a 5yr old and a 8month old, i have my boyfriend that takes care of them but i feel so guilty in not being up and spending time with them for long.

I must admit, I'm scared of being judged by posting this, but i have plucked up the courage to post.

Also i have been told my meds are starting work,and i do feel it, but i feel i have took a step back again in switching times. I'm not particularly interested in doing anything and i am very quiet, which isn't me, i wasn't like this last week, i felt myself again, but like i said, it's like i have took a step back.

I'm sorry if this post is everywhere, I'm just trying to get an understanding on why i feel low again when all i have done is switched times. I'm trying to tell myself that it's the switch in times but then I'm also scared I'm going backwards again 😦 please anyone who has some supportive encouragement please let me know this is normal.

thank you for taking the time to read my confusion x

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Jade, as you'll remember i posted a few weeks ago when i had a bit of a blip and thought i was right back to start after 12 weeks, for me it was a little rough week and iv come out of it the best i have been in a long time. Blips are normal on the road to recovery and as your currently still healing a small change like night to morning might of the just rocked the boat a bit. You will get better again dont worry and try not to let the anxiety drag you back down it will pass. For me iv always taken citalopram in the morning and do find getting out of the bed hard but its getting easier. For me the only lasting side effect iv been having is wild dreams but they arent to bad haha. Keep going, you will get there!

    • Posted

      Thank you Harry, i do remember your post 😃 it's strange how you can help people and give advice and then when you have abit of a knock back yourself you worry and ask if it's normal, even though you have just gave someone else the same or similar advice lol.

      Thank you so much for your understanding and support 😃 as you know it all means so much when your in a rough spot.

      I'm glad you feel better 😃 hopefully I'll be back to normal in a week or so, i know not every day can be a great day.

      Getting out of bed is hard, i find i just lay on the sofa, but then after a few hours i start to get up and do stuff. And i agree, the dreams are crazy lol, although last week i had a nightmare about my granddad who is ill 😦 it scared me so much, it's still playing on my mind now. But hopefully since i have spoke about it to my boyfriend then I'll start to feel okaii again, just hate these rough weeks 😦

    • Edited

      Haha yes it is, the bad days are so frustrating but once you start realising there are good days to come the bad days get easier and less frequent as you relax to them a bit more. As horrible as my blip was im actually grateful for it as at that point in time i thought i was back to square one and i was nowhere near, so any small blip i have i just think its ok il be normal again soon and this last few weeks has been much better. Also 9 weeks is still quite early. Most people say 3-4 months and i agree with that. I'm almost at 3 and there is still room for improvement but iv gone from 10/10 anxiety 3 months ago to 2/10 anxiety so i cant complain! Yhh the dreams can be so weird, a lot of mine seem to have really random people in them from childhood and stuff haha. Keep going it gets easier. Also give hypnotherapy a try, theres some youtube videos that are really good if your feeing crap. I was sceptical of it but found them so relaxing. You'll be well again soon, think months 2/3 are up and downers while the meds settle properly

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for you support, it means alot, today is abit of a "i can't be bothered" kind of day, feeling tired after a long night with our baby and trying to ignore mu anxiety lol, this week so far has been like it, but im hopeing I'll be back to normal soon, hopefully I'm just having a little blip like you did and things will soon improve. I guess secretly I'm worried of going backwards and as you say, back at square 1 but the anxiety is more controllable and less annoying, but it is still annoying the fact that its still there lol.

      Thank you again

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