Switched from fluoxetine to mirtazapine

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I was on fluoxetine for six weeks, it did nothing for my depression or sleep problem. The only \"good\" side effect was I lost 30 pounds in the six weeks I was on it (and believe me, I needed to lose that weight!). The doctor has now switched me to mirtazapine, only my third day but I have had two blissful nights of uninterrupted sleep. Before, I'd go to bed and be awake till 4 or 5am. Either that or I'd get to sleep and wake at 3 or 4. Never a good restful night to be had. I'm hoping the mirtazapine will continue to help me sleep and re-establish a normal pattern. Because I've had a couple of good nights, I feel much brighter. Just hoping that finally I'm on the road to being well again.

Good luck to all the other posters, hope you all get well soon.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    i switched from fluoxetine to mirtazapine as the fluoxetine was doing eff all. and even though with the mirtazapine i get increased appetite and tiredness...there working wonders. :D

    hope the mirtazapine work for you


  • Posted

    I am just about to go from fluoxetine to mirtazapine, because of the potential increased appetite. I have a slight body image problem and am obsessed about being overweight even though deep down i know i'm not. I really don't want to go onto them coz i know i'll put on weight really easily and ii'm scared of that. Any comments would be appreciated.
  • Posted


    Dear Megs,

    Maybe this will help a bit. I've been on Mirtazapine for 27 days, the effects so far have been to increase my sleep but at the expense of feeling tired all the time. That's got to be better than the sleeplessness I had before. As for weight gain, it hasn't happened. My appetite has in fact reduced, I am not sure this is always the case with Mirtazapine though,the benefit has been to leave my weight at the same level.

    Perhaps it's also a feature of our dreadful weather at present but I have become significantly more lethargic, I was quite energetic up till last Summer. Does anyone else find Mirtazapine lethargy-inducing?

    I wish you well as you try out this drug, it does appear to be significantly better than Prozac for a lot of people.


  • Posted

    I have just changed to mirtazapine from venlafaxine! I feel like I am on a constant trip and cannot seem to function! feeling increasingly suicidal and fed up with the world, I just want to get better! :cry: :cry:
  • Posted

    William, I felt like that for the first few days. Sudden rages from nowhere, with people, or just situations, and a trotally unreal feeling that I was living a computer game with dodgy controls or something. A properly 'tv' style impression of being 'drugged'. It cost me a decent wardrobe that I took out some anger on, but it has improved now. I don't know if I'm feeling better, cos I'm still very tired and life doesn't seem real still most of the time (and I also seem to have this winter vomiting thing, and have been projectile out of both ends for the past 6 hours or so! :oops: ), but I do feel less likely to be seen playing on the railway behind my daughter's nursery now, and the really bad side effects did seem to clear after a week or so. So don't be too downhearted and there is light at the end of the tunnel! At least I think there is!

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