switching anti depressants - anyone done this successfully?

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i think my current ones have stopped working. I am taking 30mgs citalopram and have been about ten years. Before those I switched from Seroxat which had also stopped working. I have a lot of stress in my life some of it I cannot control, and recently having panic attacks because of traumatic events in my sons life. I tried to explain to my doctor yesterday in a phone call what was going on - insomnia and anxiety mainly- and he offered a switch to mirtazipine or setraline. I didn't know what to do and thought I would come her and ask if anyone has switched to either of these and how it was whilst you were doing it? He gave me some zopiclone ,which I took half of and slept for four hours last night which is a huge improvement. I'd appreciate any comments.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Liz., When it comes to anti-depressants, everybody reacts differently. I am still looking for one that actually works for me. I find that the side effects make me go off of them sometimes too soon probably. I did not like sertraline but that’s just me.

    did you have many side effects with the citalopram? I was thinking about trying it. I am pretty sensitive to any medication. I never heard of seroxat.

  • Posted

    I don't know about switching meds, but Mirtazapine is the only antidepressant I tolerate well

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    i use my earphones and listen to stories biographies etc to sleep. all sleep meds eventually loose their effectiveness as the body builds up tolerance. so i quit taking them and this system has worked for me the past few years.

    • Edited

      hi yes theyre e a short term solution i understand that but thanks for the idea . i do find exercise helps as well

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