Switching to prozac

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hi guys

really could do with some advice plz

i as currently reducing sertraline 100 mg to 50mg for two weeks under my doctors advice as sertraline has made me sooo ill

so in two weeks time on 50mg i will switch straight to prozac was hoping if anyone could reasure me on this

thank u

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I SWITCHED from sertraline to prozac and I WAS PERFECTLY fine! you will be able to do it. dont stress

    • Posted

      i have 4 more days left on 50mg sertraline then go straight to prozac

      wondering if prozac will gain my appetite

  • Posted

    Good morning

    I have switched from sertraline to Prozac this month. I took sertraline 200mg for over 7 years. It stopped working for me and does have lots of side effects.

    I reduced to 50 then 25 then stopped and started Prozac 20mg. About 3 weeks in now. Less side effects and worrying less. Initially I felt a little sick and had a few low days but my friends helped me through. Stick with it and you will be fine

    Simon. 36y

    • Posted

      thank you so much for replying

      i was just worried as switching ads would make me worse

      i was just unsure to reduce from 100 to 50 for only two weeks then go straight on prozac as i would still have sertraline in my body

      i lost alot of weight on sertraline and had bad anxiety

      i am taking 2mg daiz atm and thats the only relief i get and i can eat again

  • Posted

    hi victoria, i switched from 100 mg sert to 25 mg prozac overnight due to significant weight gain. doc said i could take 50mg prozac for a week if i wanted but i went straight to 25, which is about the same as 50 mg sert i think. i had no side effects from changing. only thing is, sometimes i feel i need more prozac as i have noticed anxiety creeping back tho i manage it better nowadays. i was great on 100 sert, shame about the weight. cant say changing has helped much tho it cud be in part due to menopause and sometimes eating too much sweet stuff!

    • Posted

      20 mg prozac not 25!

    • Posted

      thank you for replying

      just feel that it was unsafe to come off them in only two weeks then start another one

      as heard u can get ill

    • Posted

      hi julie

      just a quick question

      so you switched straight to prozac and didnt taper down ?

      i am just scared of that thing they talk bout that you can get too much serotion and became ill as we will still have sertraline in our system then also prozac ?

      would really apprieate reasurance

      and is prozac a better med x

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