swollen area next to opening of vagina and into bottom,
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hi everyone for the past few days i have what feels like a hard swelling in the area next to opening and in the area were my bottom is its swollen inside not on outside and its one sided and hurts when i cough or try to go toilet or walking. it only started a few days ago when i laydown and feel the area its like on one side its real hard and swolen but when i feel the other side its normal and soft. i dont know what iv done and why this has happend but its a bit worrying.
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michelle_79406 d19606
I get this from time to time.
My right side in the inside of my vagina. Swollen and then a pinching feeling on the out side. And same side of anus.
It sometimes is piles that are sore and swollen. And feels like it swollen from anus right through to vagina in inside.
Well what makes mine flare up is. If I get constipated it puts pressure on veins in back passage and causes piles.
So plenty of water helps with that. And don’t eat spicy stuff or acid like cabbage etc. That irritates it
And sometimes it’s from lifting something to heavy also out pressure on it and on pelvis. But usually settles after a few days. I have used suppositories to help soften poo for a day or two . If it was really bad. But other than that it usually settles by its self.
Sochima822 d19606
Get to your gynecologist who will prescribed a cream for it. Swelling anywhere in the body is an indication that something's not right and needs medical attention. Internal or external swelling both should be looked at.
michelle_79406 Sochima822
Sochima822 michelle_79406
We saw a lot of patients with similar symptoms, some were yeast infections, others bacterial vaginosis,
and others piles. Just because you had this doesn't mean the next person with similar symptoms has the same. It's good you were seen and diagnosed. I had exactly the same symptoms awhile back, turned out to be a yeast infection, where everything around my anal area was swollen and hard in some parts of my inner parts. Peri symptoms can be deceiving, I thought it was bacterial vaginosis, but under the microscope it was yeast. It's best to have it examined for proper treatment.
wendy_4261 d19606