Swollen belly all the time! Hashimotos.
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I got diagnosed with hashimotos over 5 years ago. Im 29 years old. For the past 6 months ive had non stop bloating and constipation no matter what i eat. Every doctor ive had has been useless, so i always try to deal with my problems by searching the web.
My thyroid levels last time i got them checked werent that bad and i take 100mg levo.
Im on a gluten and dairy free diet (apart from the odd bite of chocolate or gluten free cookie). All of my meals are cooked at home and not frozen so id consider it a pretty healthy diet im eating. I drink lots of water daily and include fibre in my diet.
My doctor prescribed movicol which only makes my belly even more bloated and after two weeks of using it its stopped. I currently rely on a particular laxative which is the only one that helps (as all the others have stopped working).
Im so fed up of walking around with a huge swollen belly. Its so swollen i have to wear maternity leggings to feel comfortable. I came off the contraceptive pill a couple of months ago and wonder can this contribute to it?
I notice i have a lot of rashes on my body too recently such as tinea which is a fungal infection, maybe eczema on my legs, as well as rosacea flareup. I also seem to get gastritis pains which come and go quite a lot.
I wonder if some sort of detox could help with all of these problems (if so which one) or if going back on the contraceptive pill could help?
Has anyone else experienced similar and if so what did you do? im at my wits end, im only 29 and dont want problem after problem popping up.
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Cris.Leggs kay0101
Hello, I am not on thyroid medication, but I had an enlarged thyroid with symptoms, but the numbers weren't high enough for medication. I had constipation so severe and I tried everything imaginable!! Fiber only made it worse for me. I finally heard about omega 3 helping with constipation but I had tried omega 3 before with no results. I finally read an article suggesting omega 3 but it recommended Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, because of the higher dosage it has. They have a 1280 mg and one higher in milligrams (I don't remember the milligrams of the higher one, sorry), but I purchased the 1280 mg and it works perfectly! I truly hope this helps, God bless.
emilylou97 kay0101
I had a similar problem with my old doctor. I would have symptoms and my tsh result would be in range but would be close to being too much. I recently went to a new doctor and this time my tsh was out of range but he said that if im still having symptoms to come back and he would put my on a slitghly higher dose as some people respond better when lower in the range. I had the same symptoms you are having but was tired as well and my periods were off.
I would recommend getting a new doctor if you can it made things so much easier for me
Hope that makes sense