Swollen glands

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I've have got swollen glands .. I've got an exit been on 20mg citalopram for 2 weeks .. I never got side affects till a week a go .. is this normal ?? also is swollen glands normal .. please help me

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    yes you can get side effects from any medication at any time. You can always talk to your doctor about that and maybe he or she can make an adjustment

    swollen glands just means that your body may be fighting off some thing. The majority of the time they go back to normal size on their own.

    My kids used to get them a lot when they had a virus or an ear infection etc. I have had them myself at various times.

    where are the nodes that are enlarged?

    let your doctor look at the nodes, that way you can have peace of mind.

    I always suggest that everyone should have a complete physical check up at least once a year and blood work done. take care

  • Posted

    I have been poking around my throat and I felt them enlarged .. I have been really anxious this last 2 weeks and I'm really worried

  • Posted

    sometimes what we think we are feeling is nothing serious. The best thing to do is just have your doctor examine it. I find that it is way more stressful to sit around and think and think because that drives you crazy! As my daughter tells me, just rip the Band-Aid off and go do it!that way it’s over and done with and you can relax. when we overthink things, most of what we are thinking that is negative is not actually true. We have to deal with the facts. You’re going to be fine. ❤

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