Swollen lymph node after 12 weeks - is this normal?

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I'm currently in my 12th week of mono & still have a swollen lymph node in my neck. It's painless but considering I feel a lot better than I did, I'd have thought this would have gone by now. Can anyone offer any advice on this?

Also, does anyone have any advice on how to increase energy levels? I walked up 2 flights of stairs today & felt breathless & weak. I really dont want to bother my doctor again as i think she thinks i'm a hypochondriac!

Finally, I am convinced this virus thrives from stress, has anyone else noticed this? I am tempted to go on mild anti anxiety pills as I can't sleep properly & it's affecting my appetite too. Convinced I'd prob feel better overall if I could control my anxiety better.

Sending positive thoughts to people going through this horrendous virus!

Gill xx

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    Hi Gill,

    So sorry to hear that you have been going through this awful virus, really empathising having gone through it myself and experienced very similar symptoms and worries to you many years ago.

    I had a swollen lymph node in my neck too which was such a nasty symptom through the virus Gill, want to reassure you that this is normal and it does get better with time. It took a little while for mines to settle down, did linger a little but it did settle down with time and just want to reassure that this often is very normal with mono and it will get better - of course always wise to check in with the doctor they did an ultrasound on mine which just reaffirmed that this was normal for mono and a reactive gland that would (and did) settle over time (thanks to God!).

    And definitely don't have any concerns about going back to see the doctor as often as you need to, this is a horrible virus and it's wise and sensible to do that, I was there so often when going through this and hoping they can offer good advice and reassurance, although I know sometimes the doctors don't always seem to fully grasp how intense this virus can be and how it can take a little while to get completely over it. Even going along with someone you trust, a close friend or family member can be good, I know it's not easy going to the doctors especially when feeling fragile and it's good and reassuring I've always found to have someone along with me when I'm not quite sure what to say or how to get things across.

    It is only understandable to be going through anxiety when dealing with this Gill, it's a draining and horrible experience and it definitely affected my mental health and confidence for sure. But you will get through that Gill, and it is a good idea to discuss with doc any possible medication that might help with this. It is horrible when sleep is affected for sure, I have been on anti-depressants for most of my adult life and I have found these last few years amitrypyline to be very good for helping with sleep, but again not things for jumping onto lightly and only after discussion with doctor / loved ones and consideration.

    Key thing I want you to know Gill is that this thing DOES get better. After 3 months I remember feeling very drained and weary and still not seeing much improvement. But you will get there with time, it still took me a few more months to reach full recovery but the intensity does lessen and this phase where you are at just now is BY FAR the worst in my experience, and truly you will get through this and back to full health again - even though I know that's hard to see when in the midst of it sometimes. Just coping with one day at a time and getting through each day, getting plenty of rest and being kind to yourself, removing stress as much as possible is the best thing for now Gill, your body really needs that time for recovery and it is a real achievement getting through each day when feeling that way I know for sure.

    Things that helped me in terms of energy levels and immune system was taking vitamins and herbs. A good strong multi-vitamin per day is really good (Immunace Extra here in the UK was the one I took), also a B complex vitamin per day is great for energy levels and nervous system, as well as higher doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000 per day) and immune boosting herbs like siberian ginseng and echincea also really helped me. But of course always check with any interactions between herbs and medicines / health conditions, etc, always sensible to do that! I'm no expert on these things just going on my own research and the things that helped me!

    Thinking about you Gill and remember there IS hope and IS recovery from this thing - you WILL get better, don't panic if it is not overnight or immediate, because you will get back to full health again with time I truly believe that given my own recovery experience and reading the recovery experiences of many others who went through similar symptoms / hard times with this. Message any time!


    • Posted

      thank you for your advice Craig. I had a good sleep last night and strangely the lymph node seems to have gone down slightly. I definitely am experiencing anxiety that I've never had before though, I think it's driven by over thinking the strange symptoms of this virus. I'm now displaying symptoms of excess stomach acid/ulcer which I've never had before. Hopefully this will pass soon. I'm trying to be positive. Thanks again for your kindness x

    • Posted

      Hi Gill,

      Oh it’s so understandable to have anxiety during this, it’s such a draining experience to go through it’s a natural response Gill – but you will get better and stronger, physically, mentally and emotionally – it can take a little while but absolutely I truly believe you will get there knowing how it went for me and reading the stories of others. It’s hard to keep positive when something goes on for a while Gill, but hang in there you will get a breakthrough with this – this thing doesn’t last forever even though I know it feels like it at times.

      Hoping so much that these stomach symptoms settle, again these kind of things I think can be common during the virus, for me it just seemed to go through phases of different kind of symptoms. Really hoping and praying this will pass soon, and that that the lymph nodes can stay more settled and have a healthier sleep pattern too which makes such a difference.

      Thinking about you and hoping for a good and settled weekend ahead – remember take it easy and go at a pace that’s right for you just now! And remember you WILL get through this and get better! I do believe that for sure.


    • Posted

      Hi Craig, hope all is good with you?

      I'm now 4 months on since being diagnosed with glandular fever & still have this swollen neck gland. I think it's slightly smaller than it was but seems to have gone firmer.

      I was just wondering how long you had your swollen gland for and where in the neck it was? Mine is on the side of my neck slightly towards the back. The gland itself is not painful but my neck on that side aches now & then.

      I visited my GP after xmas & she didn't seem concerned by the gland & pretty much dismissed it. I am happy she wasn't concerned but I keep overthinking it may be more serious.

      Other than the neck gland, I am feeling a lot better so confused why this gland is still around.

      One other thing I have noticed is what looks like a white film on my tonsils, very odd as I didn't experience any sore throat with this virus so not sure what this is or how long I have had it. Another trip to the doctors might be in order 😦

      Hope you are keeping well & thanks again for your support.


    • Posted

      Hi Gill,

      It is nice to hear from you, and definitely want to reassure you regarding the swollen gland on your neck. I had one on the right hand side of my neck just towards the side almost in line with my ear which bothered me right throughout the virus, at times when feeling worse or under more pressure it became sorer, it worried me too and the doctor arrange for an ultrasound on mine I think more just to reassure me - which thankfully it did, they called it a 'reactive gland' and just something that was a normal reaction to the glandular fever. Mines was the same as yours, it wasn't sore all the time but ached at certain times. Please be assured that it's normal for it to still bother you even after starting to feel a bit better, and that it does settle down and go away eventually.

      It's hard to remember exactly how long it bothered me, certainly it was one of the lingering symptoms and still had some twinges of that even during the recovery phase, but don't panic if that's the case it doesn't last forever and it does settle down with time. And of course if worried maybe worth asking the doc if they could do something similar with the ultrasound like I had, maybe put your mind at rest (I'm hoping you have a good doctor who would be willing to do that of course I know not everyone does unfortuantely).

      I had read a lot of others on the forum talk about a white film on their tonsils too so it definitely seems to be a common symptom of these viruses. It may have been something I had, hard to remember but I think to be honest I tended not to look too much at the throat as it might have worried me more to see things like that as I'm such a worrier! Yes definitely worth seeing the doctor for sure, but as I say it does seem to be something common as lots of people have written about it on the time I have been on the forum, so hoping this is just a symptom of the virus which will settle as time goes on.

      Thanks for the best wishes for me too Gill, I've still been a bit up and down with back pain and just coping with losing job and a few things in life, but God has been helping me and grateful for that, grateful for yours and everyone's support on the site too.

      And remember Gill you WILL get better from these horrible viruses and just hoping that things can be more stable and you can start to see some improvements over the coming months - thinking about you still and remember that even if it takes a little while still, absolutely you will get back to full health again, I truly believe that given my own recovery experience and reading the recovery experience of many others on the site who had been through really rough times over several months with mono. Hang in there, don't give up and rest when you need to - listen to your body and be kind to yourself is the order of the day!


    • Posted

      Hi Craig,

      Thanks for sharing your experience, it really does help knowing I have support on this forum from people who have or are going through it. It's such a lonely virus, none of my family or friends have had it so they don't understand why I feel the way I do. To be honest I think they're prob fed up of listening to me.

      I visited my GP again this morning & they said the white film is a mucosa lining, apparently sometimes it's pink & other times it can be white. Never heard of it or noticed it before but all normal according to the doctor which is good. He also felt the gland & isnt concerned, he said if its still there in a couple of months then to go back & he will check it again. It was a different doctor to the one I seen previously too so good to get a 2nd opinion on that. Will wait & see if it goes, fingers crossed it disappears soon.

      Sorry to hear about the back pain & your job Craig, hope things turn a corner for you soon! You certainly deserve it.

      Speak soon & take care

      Gill x

    • Posted

      Hi Gill,

      I do hope that your family and friends can learn to understand more about the virus and be more compassionate, they are not the ones having to walk in your shoes with this and although it's hard sometimes for others to understand, hoping very much that those you are closest to and value most are there for you at this time, just as I am sure you are there for them when they need it. It makes such a difference and I was and am lucky to have a great support network of family and friends.

      You did the right thing for sure going to the doctor yesterday, hoping that news that the white / pink film is normal and that the doctor is not concerned about the gland either. I wish I had a pound for every time I've had to go to the doctors for help or reassurance too, especially when I had this virus!

      Thanks for your kind words of support for me too Gill, that means a lot and really need that right now too as finding it hard to find my way at times right now, although God has been helping me greatly.

      Hoping for a good and settled weekend for you, hang in there things will improve Gill they really will.

      Craig x

  • Posted

    yes this virus causes anxiety ! i have valium and xanax and take them to sleep . i realize things will get back to normal soon ....but whatever it takes to get through this . be careeful of anti depressants they domt agree with evertbody and made my abxiety worse

    • Posted

      thanks Lori. I am looking into ways to relax but I really struggle at night times. I've woken up in a panic so many times so my subconscious is definitely impacted! X

    • Posted

      yes thats happened to me also its horrible .can you take an epsom salts bath ? valerian california poppy are good natural products to sleep but failing that try a sleeping tablet . we must get our rest . i didnt sleep well last night and its been months since i slept through the night . not working out is driving me nuts as that made me sleep better but i feel too god damn ill and tired so can just about do a short walk .

    • Posted

      Bath in epsom salts definitely good advice Lori - something I enjoy too and a good thing in the evening for sure to help your body relax and prepare for a good night's sleep. Hoping you are feeling okay today Lori, still thinking about you.


    • Posted

      Hi lori,

      Hope you are having a great day.

      I am also against anti depressants at the moment. The doc tried to put me on them about 7 or 8 mos ago for sleep as the sleeping pills were not helping and I refused to take them.

      The sleeping pills I was prescribed were zopliclone and then zolpidiem. I believe my anxiety started after I went on the sleeping pills.

    • Posted

      I feel your pain gill. This was me a year ago. Things will definitely get better for you.

      What has helped me is doing some breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. Also a warm bath with some lavender can be effective.

    • Posted

      I am also a believer in epsom salt baths. They have done wonders for me also.

  • Posted

    Hi Gill,

    I'm on my 9th month now and both sides of my neck are still slightly swollen so I suppose this means my body is still trying to fight this thing. They're also not sore to touch like yours.

    I have some diazepam which I sometimes take a small dose of before going to bed, it definitely helps with the insomnia and allows me to get to sleep easier. Sufficient sleep is key to this according to a specialist I saw, if you're not getting enough sleep then you can forget all the other stuff helping.


    • Posted

      yes i take a valium or xanax too ....this virus really messes with your sleep

    • Posted

      Hoping you are feeling much better soon Will, remember hang in there it was 10 months for me before I saw a major breakthrough, I remember after 9 months feeling so weary and fed up and down. Just want to let you know there is hope and praying for better times ahead for us all.


    • Posted

      10 months seems like it turns around for everybody ? im

      going into month 9 soon please GOD i get some relief soon ...

    • Posted

      Well Lori I think everyone's experience is very unique and individual to them, lots of factors involved for sure, but for me definitely I do cite 10 months as a time where something seemed to change, where God helped me take a big step forward towards recovery. But again remember be it 10 months or a little longer or whatever Lori, don't panic because you WILL get there and WILL get through this. God knows the situation and He is with you, helping you and rooting for you Lori and not going to leave you - I believe there will be a line drawn underneath this tough time and that when God says enough is enough, then enough really is enough and breakthrough will come! Hoping and praying for this Lori, hang in there!!


    • Posted

      Agree Craig. It was about the end of month 9/beginning of month 10 that I started to see some improvement. Prior to this things were getting worse or staying the same.

      Pls continue to baby yourself even after you get a breakthrough and start to feel better. I made the mistake of overdoing it everytime I started to feel good and always landed on my face again.

    • Posted

      Definitely Kay, I am often reluctant on the site to state about recovery time because it's such an individual experience and everyone goes through their own unique journey with this and recovers within different timescales and rates. Some people seem to be more fortunate than others and seem to get over it quicker than others, but definitely one trend I've noticed just from reading lots of people's stories I think is that the period 9-18 months is often a moving period and improvement often seems to happen in this time - but again it's different from everyone.

      Just hoping and praying for everyone's recovery, I know the people on this thread have been through so much and believing that breakthrough is on its way for everyone, thanks to God's mercy and grace, hoping and praying so much for that.


    • Posted

      yes i noticed a tirnaround for many people at 9-10 months ... i hope thats the case as im going into month 9. but yes evwrybody is unique

    • Posted

      Definitely hoping that is the case for you Lori in terms of things getting better at the 9 to 10 month mark. Remember that whether it's now or a little further down the line - you WILL get that breakthrough - it is coming Lori I have real faith in that, praying for breakthrough for your situation and everyone's situation here.

      Hoping you are doing okay today and that you are managing to get a settled sleep pattern at the moment - don't give up Lori the breakthrough is closer than you think - remember sometimes it's the last key on the hook that unlocks the door!


    • Posted

      thank you craig ! i have felt a slight shift nothing major but the horror that is the mornings is getting better and im

      able to stay up later now. please GOD im turming around ...had it with this nightmare

    • Posted

      That is good to hear Lori, means something is happening / changing. It was like that for me too in the early stages of recovery, just smaller things noticed initially and momentum gathered with time - remember just take it slowly still and just continue to cope with and manage one day at a time - I know everyone must be fed up of me saying that - but it's all we can do!!

      Definitely agreeing with your hopes and prayers to the Lord Lori - hang in there and hoping for a good day today.


    • Posted

      thank you craig yes its just a slight shift but ill take anything right now. im getting on a better skeeping schrdule although i still wake up through the night. still taking it easy though but please GOD im on the mend now . its been a horror story .

    • Posted

      Things have been so intense and hard for you this past few months Lori, just to have a slight shift is something really positive but again it's just about one day at a time and not looking too far ahead with things. Definitely agreeing with your prayers Lori and believing that God's hand is moving on your behalf and that He has got you in the palm of His hand.

      Thinking about you and hoping for a settled day today - sending hugs and best wishes from Scotland.


    • Posted

      thank you craig yes just a slight shift in energy etc and doing a bit better....i know its a vety slow moving virus ...hopefully with GODS help it czn speed up a bit so that i can start to feel good again and get some life back !

      i miss mostly my working out ... ill get back into again and will start off slow when im feeling strong enough

    • Posted

      It's hard Lori mentally when you can't do the things that help you destress and that you enjoy, it all adds to depression and anxiety I know. Just hoping and praying that this thing is really started to lift, and that your breakthrough is starting to manifest - but whether it is right now or into 2019, that breakthrough will come Lori I truly believe it - trusting our Lord Jesus as you say He is our man for hope and healing and miracles and won't let us down -

      Hoping for a good day for you and remember just take things very slow when thinking about any more exercise again.


    • Posted

      thank you craig yes i miss my running so much but walks are good enough for now. i know ill be back there soon with my just slight shift .... hoping and praying

    • Posted

      Definitely hoping so Lori, we need to keep believing, praying God helps us to overcome any defeatism or discouragement and to get the breakthrough and victory we need, and that He places the right vision in our mind and attitude and courage in our hearts - I know for sure these have been areas I've been struggling with been drifting and sitting in a bit of a bubble, praying God can help me to break out of that in the right way at the right time.

      Agreeing with Kay that you are doing well Lori and showing heart - thinking about you still, don't give up breakthrough is coming.


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