Symptom of the week - sore mouth
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Does anybody else suffer from a sore mouth? I feel like my gums and my tongue are burnt! Very weird stingy sensation. Can not get a dental appointment for a fortnight as my dentist is on holiday, nothing looks visibly different!
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stella19032 kelly-ann2308
I've been in floods of tears for the past few days it's been so bad.
Just to let you know you aren't alone in this xxx
sally62433 stella19032
Tazchurch kelly-ann2308
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
oh dont mention teeth to me ... 😫
been having teeth weird pain for months , and in one ear, one side ..
had all checked in march and they said all okay ..
I was not convinced as this is not normal and all wasnt okay, it was getting worse.
i went to another dentist last thursday... ummmm, wasnt the menopause after all and wasnt receding gum, lack of estrogen, metal taste mouth thats menopause symptoms for some ladies..
i had a deep filling that was hitting my nerve causing constant pain .. so had the nerves removed ( root canal ) its not finished yet back on wednesday, nerves are out but its got medication in the canals and temp filling ..
and..... pain all gone.. yippeeeeee
always get checked ... i was fobbed off in march - blamed menopause and it wasnt ..
jay xx
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
may help you with your symptoms
What Causes this Bizarre Sensation of Burning Mouth and Tongue?
The exact cause of burning mouth syndrome is often difficult to pin down, and pain may continue for months or years.
Burning mouth syndrome is a very complex condition where a burning pain occurs on the tongue or lips, or over widespread areas involving the whole mouth without any obvious reason.
The symptoms has for a long time been linked with a variety of other conditions such as menopause, psychological problems, nutritional deficiencies, and disorders of the mouth (such as oral thrush and dry mouth –xerostomia-). Some researchers have suggested damaged nerves could be a possible cause.
What Does Burning Mouth and Tongue Feel Like?
[Burning mouth and tongue starts with a minor sensation in the morning and escalates through the day] Burning mouth and tongue syndrome typically starts with a minor sensation of pain or burning in the mornings and escalates through the day until it can reach almost unbearable levels.
A burning mouth and tongue can also give things that touch the tongue a bitter, metallic taste – some would argue that this is in line with its other strange symptoms.
Is Menopause the Main Cause of a Burning Mouth and Tongue?
This symptom is not clearly understood and consequently neither is its causes. Aside from menopause being the obvious culprit (we come to this conclusion because of the abnormally high number of menopausal women who suffer from it) there are a number of factors that could be responsible. The following is a list of other potential causes:
Irritating dentures. Dentures (false teeth) may place stress on some of the muscles and tissues of the mouth. The materials used in dentures can also irritate the tissues in the mouth.
[Mouth pain: damage to nerves that control taste and pain in the tongue may also result in burning mouth and tongue] Nerve disturbance or damage (neuropathy). Damage to nerves that control taste and pain in the tongue may also result in a burning mouth and tongue sensation.
Endocrine disorders such as diabetes and underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). The body's oral tissues may react to high blood sugar levels such as occur in a person suffering from diabetes.
What Can I Do about a Burning Mouth and Tongue?
The regular approach of medical professionals is to treat burning mouth and tongue syndrome with different generic medications more commonly associated with other symptoms. For example, antidepressants and antipsychotics have been used along with to desensitize patients’ mouths from pain.
If however the burning mouth and tongue is being provoked by hormone fluctuations, there are some very effective alternative remedies that work by helping to regulate the body's own hormone production. Alternative treatments have proven effective in reducing many of the symptoms of menopause, and burning mouth and tongue is no exception.
The article you shared was an interesting read Jay, I am having more bloods next week including sugar levels and thyroid so that should rule those out hopefullly and then dental appt in 2 weeks. In the mean time I shall have a little google, story of my life at the mo! and see what else I can find. Thank-you all once again, nice to know I am not alone
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
i keep losing hair at the moment ..
its in the plug hole and comb and brush..
its abit concerning but trying to not dwell on it hehehehe
i keep telling myself as its longer than i normally have it .. it just looks more hair...
it did this once before for a while ( still looked okay) but then got thick again..
i am post menopause just ... age 50..
jay xx
kelly-ann2308 jayneejay
Only just turned 40, having hormone levels checked again next week, can they tell how far in peri you are from hormone levels?xx
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
this is a tricky one..
FSH blood tests tend to come back normal in peri if you still have pretty regular periods..
mine came back normal years ago.. but doc said i was in peri with my symptoms.. hormones are too erractic.. up and down..
and only as accurate as to how the hormones are on the day of test.
its not until periods decline to about 3-4 a year does the FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone ) come back as menopausal - generally ..
i had a 9-10 year natural peri ... just post menopause ..
kelly.. after all your bloods ( not before ) take a good B6 complex with at least 100mg of B6 in ... like from holland and barret if you in uk..
Mega B 100 ... so helps with symptoms .. i take all sorts 😀
i am in Southern Spain 😃
jay xx
kelly-ann2308 jayneejay
Flushes and a few symptoms eleviated whilst having a period but I can feel my temperature starting to rise again and the cotton wool head feeling is back in force! I am hoping the tests still show peri so she will refer me to a gynae!xx
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
it maybe isnt .. but you havent got oral thrush symptoms have you..
Symptoms of oral thrush can include:
sore, white patches (plaques) in the mouth that can be wiped off.
a painful, burning sensation on the tongue.
an unpleasant taste in the mouth that can be bitter or salty.
redness and soreness on the inside of the mouth and throat.
cracks at the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis)
this can be treated with a fluconazole 150mg tablet and be bought over the counter...
just another thought
jay xx
kelly-ann2308 jayneejay
ingrid_22 kelly-ann2308
I have a sore tongue like iIburnt it on hot soup for about a year off and on. I went to the doctor and notice that my estradiol levels were that of menopause values 108 pmol L however i am 53 years old and have not missed a mothly period except in 2011 in feb. So my values are telling my body I am in menopause even though I am not. I have read that in menopause some women suffer form hot mouth or hot tongue I think it is due to hormones levels. I put up with it and gargle with salt water and mouth wash before bed and when ever it is really bothering me.
Cheers Ingrid
kelly-ann2308 ingrid_22
marlene21102 kelly-ann2308