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Can anyone relate to a sort of shortness of breath feeling or maybe a feeling of not getting enough air all of the sudden. It almost comes out of nowhere. Is this peri related. Wow what a scary feeling! I do notice as I get closer to my period it tends to get worse
3 likes, 18 replies
Sassyr12a kelly3120
Hi Kelly
I can relate to that, and it's weird because I'm obviously breathing in and out but I'm concious of it. I have low iron which sometimes causes it, or it can be the anxiety with me because it's scary and it's hard to stop thinking about it. I don't think it's the peri as such but maybe made worse by anxiety for me. Good luck xx
kelly3120 Sassyr12a
Thanks Sassy...yea for me the anxiety was always there. This whole Peri has put the anxiety at a new level and one I haven't quite mastered yet. Nice to know I'm not alone in this one
caroline62395 kelly3120
kelly3120 caroline62395
Thanks Caroline at least I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel . It may be a long tunnel but at least I know it's all part of the same thing
evi75119 caroline62395
I hope that one day this hormonal torture will end!
gailannie kelly3120
kelly3120 gailannie
jennifer85442 kelly3120
kelly3120 jennifer85442
Thanks for the response's crazy because everything would kinda start happening 14 days before my period now I'm finding out that symptoms start about 20 days out or even sooner now. Anxiety can be so hard to figure out at times. Once you think you have it figured it, it shows it's head when you least expect it😶
jennifer85442 kelly3120
Yup. It's a ba$tard! Lol.
michelle92591 kelly3120
Yes,can relate with all the other ladies. I don't know about hormones,but it's anxiety and being tense for me. Stress can do a number on your body!
dora_39625 kelly3120
Yes!! I get this and it's flippin frightening.
Apparently, perimenopause does cause shortness of breath and breathlessnes and all sorts of other weird symptoms connected to chest area.
I now have an inhaler which I use as and when needed.
Also, I've noticed mine is worse in hot and humid weather x
katyD211 kelly3120
Meno goofiness.
evi75119 kelly3120
I think that I have noticed before my period and during my menstruation