symptoms during ovulation
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This past week was my week of ovulation and with it I got a cold bug so I was coughing up a storm. Then I had a lot of tummy problems. I really couldn't eat like I wanted it to. I don't know if it was because of all the phlegm that I have been trying to cough up. But I felt really fatigued at times. On Sunday I couldn't keep my eyes open. It's hard sometimes with a lot of these symptoms especially with two young kids around. Sometimes during ovulation I can't eat I have very poor appetite and this worries me because I have lost weight as it is since I've been experiencing these peri symptoms. Then when i see people I know they look and say, "are you losing weight?" with a worried look on their face. This of course makes me more concerned about it. I am within a healthy weight according to my doctors but I am used to being bigger and I don't think I can ever get used to being this size. Sorry to ramble, just needed to vent.
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jo92050 sharcerv52408
Sorry you have a cold hope it passes soon. I get spells of not being hungry, usually for a few days a month, if I ovulate or dont, then I get so hungry but with the tummy problems I cant eat what I want and sometimes rice just doesnt cut it. I know where you are coming from with the weight loss and what people say. We had to go to a relatives funeral 2 weeks ago and some of the family I havent seen for a few years, the first thing that was said to me from most of them was "you have lost so much weight are you sick", which made me feel more worried about the weight loss. Like you I am not underweight and used to being bigger, though in my younger years I was about 1 kilo heavier than I am now. I think I will get used to being this size I dont like the flabby loose skin on arms that has come with losing all the weight though. I am trying to change my thought process and not be worried that people will think I am terminally ill cause of the weight loss...
Take care
Jo xx
sharcerv52408 jo92050
jo92050 sharcerv52408
Lol, lucky for him retracted his statement. I used to be so worried what people would say about the weight loss that I wouldnt go out and if I had to I would wear my much too big clothes hoping it would hide the weight loss, had to realise it just looked shocking, hopefully after the funeral episode I can be a little more thick skinned. Like you none of my clothes fit me and I did have to go and buy some jeans and a jumper and jacket, as its winter here and all my pants fall off me. I cant believe that I get so freaked out about losing weight, under different circumstances I would be a pleased as punch, think though it was just the dramatic weight loss in 6 or 7 months that had me freaked out and believing I was at deaths door with everything else that was happening. I will be so glad as well when I am past this and things settle down, which it will one day soon I hope, we just have to focus on that I guess...xx
laurie70017 jo92050
jo92050 laurie70017
I can relate to how you think when you look at yourself, I think the same. Hmmm I think we say thank you, then kiss my butt. Thats the trouble people judge without taking time to find out whats going on. Same as you I have just bought a few things as clothes are pretty expensive. How much weight have you lost? and thank you I hope that you get better soon as well xx
laurie70017 jo92050
sharcerv52408 jo92050
laurie70017 sharcerv52408
jo92050 laurie70017
sharcerv52408 laurie70017
My husband stresses me out a lot. He can be very unkind when he wants to. So that doesn't help where weight is concerned because if I'm stressed that will only make things worse. He hasn't been very sympathetic through these changes. But I won't start in on him. He is a discussion for a completely different forum. Lol!
jo92050 sharcerv52408
laurie70017 jo92050
jo92050 laurie70017
hugs to you and your family...
sharcerv52408 jo92050
laurie70017 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 laurie70017
jo92050 sharcerv52408
jo92050 sharcerv52408
I know what you mean it is my concern also that I will continue to loose and its really hard to gain or stabilize my weight eating the bland food that I eat. I still after all this time cant get my head around that I have ibs and or food intolerances just hopng so much that once finished peri it goes...