Symptoms during post menopause
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Does anyone else feel like you symptoms have gotten worse in post menopause. I have had symptoms for ten years of which of 6 years has been post menopause and it seems the last 2 years the symptoms have been nonstop and the worst I have had so far. I have had every symptom mentioned on this site and then some. I always was told once you quit having a period this craziness would lighten up some, not the case for me. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
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AG13 Cass63
How long does menaoause last for? How do you know you have finished?
jackie92665 AG13
Hi I think it's once you haven't had a period for a year your classed as being post menopausal. I'm not 100%certain though.
Mars777 Cass63
Hi cass63 ... So my post meno symptoms were the worse ever!! Been post meno for over 7 years now. I take HRT cannot not be on it. Had to come off them twice due to anaesthetic ... my god I was terrible both times all symptoms back ! I have been back on them 8/9 weeks now & feel so good ... Quality of life is so important ..
jackie92665 Cass63
Hi , my mum is 74and she has been post menopausal for nearly 20 years. She still has hot flushes,hormonal symptoms around the the time she would of had her periods and night sweats. She was on HRT for a while in her late 40s early 50s. I think some of us have bodies that really don't function well without hormones so continue to have symptoms for the rest of our lives.
pinkcatfairy Cass63
Im three years post meno (had ovaries out due family history) but was going through it when had it done. I still get the odd random flush (no sweating) just a ruah of heat through me. Thankfully the anxiety calmed down but I still get the odd waking in the night. I had terrible health anxiety which thankfully has calmed down but im not have silent migraines (aura no pain) so the symptoms dont totally go away completely.