Symptoms lasting over 3 months, all tests come back fine. Someone help?

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I'm currently under investigation with a gynaecologist for endometriosis. I received a 3 month course of injection from July-September 2016, which worked a charm for my periods and things.

But since December 2016, I've been experiencing a cycle of illness. Mainly around my periods but sometimes in between. It started as what I can only describe as a stomach flu. Nausea, vomitting, loose bowel and feeling pretty grim. It lasted about a week and then passed, only to return in January. I felt sick, I had a loose bowel, I felt so weak and shaky. Everytime I went to make a bowel movement I'd have a strange reaction; I start sweating, feeling sick, feeling dizzy, panicking etc. And I never seemed to empty myself properly. It happened again after that and continues to happen now on a weekly basis. I went to my GP in February and gave stool and urine samples which all came back clear. Then I gave blood tests which all came back clear but I still feel awful. It's been over 3 months and I'm slowly just getting worse. I've lost over a stone in weight over the past 3 months, I can't eat without feeling sick, I can't go anywhere because of my loose bowel and I'm at a complete loss. I fainted the other day after making a bowel movement, my heart rate was through the roof. I went back to GP who gave me amoxicillin just in case there was an underlying infection somewhere that they weren't picking up and told me to wait until I saw my gynaecologist at the end of the month to see if my symptoms could be in correlation with my cycle, and ask to be sent for ultrasounds. Has anyone experienced anything the same? I'm really scared and really confused and exhausted and fed up of feeling so unwell.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi samantha96666

    Do you think you have a reaction to the 3 monthly injections what were the injections? I know you said they worked well for you. If you have stopped them it could be a withdrawal symptom.

    Have you changed your diet in any way? and have the antibiotics worked?...

    • Posted

      Could be. The injections were Gondotropin releasing injections to put me into an early menopause to stop my periods and stuff.

      I've not changed my diet at all, I tried cutting out milk then I tried cutting out gluten. Nothing helped.

      I'm really concerned about it all but I don't know what else to do. Might just have to wait to see the gynae, see what he says.

    • Posted

      Hi samantha96666

      That would be the best thing to do...when you see your gynae ask about the injections and withdrawals from wishes..keep us posted....

    • Posted

      Thank you smile I'll be seeing gynae end of this month. We'll see what happens. Thank you so much for your advice smile

  • Posted

    Hi,I have endometriosis and also chrons,they can both aggravate each other,it sounds similar,I went through a long time of illness before my diagnosis and I'm so sorry you're feeling so ill,I honestly hope you feel better soon and get answers,it's extremely scary and lonely feeling so ill and run down xxx

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