Symptoms of Period - But no period
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I haven't had a period since May, but recently I 've been having symptoms such as back aching not just lower all over, feeling of stomach nausea especially when eating, ( such ill feeling) , lower stomach cramp, body discomfort, hungry but when I eat I feel so blah.. this is the time i would be coming up to a period..
Anyone missed a period but still have the symptoms like a period is coming?
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audra86673 mary27278
Yes. I am now officially menopausal as of yesterday (woohoo) so have not had a period in a year. I had no premenstrual symptoms until May. That month I thought I was going to have a period based on my symptoms - but nothing. The symptoms didn't last as long as usual and they weren't as severe as they would normally be when having my period. I had similar symptom sensations in June and July but no bleeding whatsoever. I think it's normal to have the symptoms with peri.
Guest audra86673
audra86673 Guest
My periods were regularly irregular for 4 years! I'd have a period and then skip 2 months then I'd have a period and skip 2 months. So 4 periods in a 12 momhth period. This went on like clockwork for 4 years. The periods I would have would be normal as when I was having them monthly prior to peri setting in. 5 days of bleeding with it being heaviest on day 2. Last August I went to a gynecologist that specialized in menopause. She put me on continual BHRT ( even though I was still haveing periods every 3rd month). She said I might have break through bleeding for a couple months, which I did. I was only able to tolerate the BHRT for 5 weeks before I quit. They made me feel ill and I bled for 21 of the 35 days with 17 of those days being very, very heavy and clotty bleeding. After coming off the BHRT, my bleeding stopped September 27th of last year and I have not had a period since.
Im thrilled to officially be in menopause and will hopefully come back into balance soon and be more like my old self. 😊
Guest audra86673
Hello Audra, for some there are no thrills about it. I use to have my periods for a whole month. My next period would be 6 months later. Within those thirty days of chunks of blood ozzing, dripping, running, I had to change pads every 5mns.. It was so bad I had to use depends along with chunks of toilet tissue to hopefully catch the bleeding. But to no avail everything was still destroyed. Standing up or sitting it would gush out. I was bleeding so hard I became anemic. I was so feed up with my periods, I stood up so fed up, and said
"God" I can't take this anymore. Please I beg of you to stop the bleeding. Guess what God heard my cry.
But as the bleeding stopped I did not know that it Meno came with stomach issues, joint pains, breast pains, farting , painting for air, no sex life, bitchcy, Moody, terrible back aches the list goes on. Tell me that God doesn't have a since of humor. Be carefully how you ask The Mist High of what you want.
audra86673 Guest
Wonder if I asked Him to go back to being 25 how He'd respond! 😉 That's what I really want! 😋 I had to be put on iron tablets last year as I had an iron deficiency. I'm still working on getting my ferritin up to speed. Those days of super heavy bleeding were awful! My back hurt worse than I have ever experienced - even through 3 unmediated labor/births! I know peri was the utmost living hell for me! The physical symptoms were bad but the mental ones almost broke me! I will gladly leave them behind and hope that my hormones will soon settle enough to be back on steady ground and I'll get permanent mental relief. I am thrilled for that reason alone. I know not having a period will bring some negatives and I'll age quicker now and have a whole slew of physical issues that come along with aging and low hormones. I'm actually not opposed to trying the BHRT again. I know hormones are so important to certain health issues. My Gyn told me I could get back on the BHRT whenever I wanted. I'm not jumping to start them right now but I haven't ruled out the possibility in the future. This getting old stuff is the pits!! It's like picking between two evils... peri or menopause... they both suck! I just hope my menopause is better than my peri! Hugs to you.
Guest audra86673
Thanks Audra, I know I have a ways to go...but good to see others patterns! I love that I can ask about period patterns and be understood! Can you imagine walking up to a woman and asking that? Love this forum! 😀🤗
mary27278 Guest
Marjorie you made me laugh! 😀 Tell me about it.
tamshac77 Guest
You made me laugh out loud. I love this so much, lol. Many months I've been there, too - begging God to please make it stop!
Guest mary27278
Yes. You have all the symptoms that I had while I was beginning Meno. It's horrible. You'll be fine.
mary27278 Guest
Majorie how long did this happen for you? I was feeling this way before but i had started to actually feel better and BAM! It's like my symptoms returned.. I mean I am literally cramping all over..back and uterus. I got terrified thinking it could be something other.. I just took a pain pill..normally I wouldn't but I need relief. I felt this way yesterday but once evening hit the symptoms actually lessen .the way it was during the beginning of peri....
It even hurts under the rib cage..😩
Guest mary27278
Hello Mary,
Pain under the rib feels like a knot of pain. It hurts so bad. The back aches are horrific. Sometimes I can walk 3 or 4 steps then it feels as though my back is aching with so much pain I have to rush to sit down to ease the pain. Also can't stand for long periods of time. I've been having the pain for at least 3 years now.
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, I skipped a period a few months ago...all the symptoms but, nothing. Then, it came closer together...Now, I am waiting again, bad IDK if it’s coming this month or not! 🙄😁
Claire4474 mary27278
Hi Mary I haven’t had a period since May either. Last month I had period pains and back ache but my period never arrived. Im getting those pains again this month but again now bleed. I don’t want my periods to end I keep hoping they’ll come back but nothing since May 😒
mary27278 Claire4474
Claire4474 mary27278
mary27278 Claire4474