Symptoms of Progesterone unbalance

Posted , 7 users are following.

Ladies, I found a great website, thanks to Blessed_Mimi - that says a lot about lack of progesterone and the most related symptoms talked here - joint pain, mood swings, ALLERGIES and INFLAMATIONS.  Google "lack of progesterone" and find it in the first place. That explains clearly the connection between the lack of progesterone and most of the symptoms described for us, things that even our gynos NEVER were willing to confirm.  Hope you enjoy the certanty that we are not crazy! 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Aww thank happy to help in any way I can. Let's all work together and find health and happiness again!!!

    Be Blessed xx

  • Posted

    I will definitely look this up thanks for sharing :-)
  • Posted

    Thanks for that Bella. Really interesting especially the joint pain. Will definitely take a look.
  • Posted

    Fantastic.. I can't wait to look at the site.

    I think it's great that as a group we all understand what each other is going through as when I bring up the topic with friends and family of similar ages they don't appear to be experiencing anything like it. How is not happening to them too???

    • Posted

      You are correct, Cami... For 6 months I thought I had some serious thing - symptom after symptom, just escalating and escalating. The few women I had to ask never experienced anything similar and that was the most scary thing! 
    • Posted

      I guess their hormones just dropped very slowly and maybe ours just jumped around.  All my friends - and sister - simply "stopped bleading" one happy day and never got their periods back,  they never really had any "irregular periods", so no jumping up and down.  Their biggest "physical" complain is hot flushes - and that I barelly had.  

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