Symptoms seems to follow a 2 week cycle - anuyone else?

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Hi ladies, so I've been having peri symptoms for about the past 18 months (I'm 40) and I've started to keep a track of when they occur and it seems at the moment I feel great and symptom free for the first 2 weeks of my cycle and then literally I change over night - anxiety, nausea, low mood. I'm on hormone treatment - high dose of estrogen gel and progesterone which was supposed to suppress my cycle (like the combined pill) but I'm not sure how much this has helped as I still seem to be suffering from fluctuations - is this possible ?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karen - i think it still can. It takes a long time for the body to adjust to HRT. Do hope the other ladies will also reply on your comment as mine are at a point where the anxiety was to much to bare and now have depression. When mine started it was a on off think like a 2week cycle and having anxiety attacks every now.
  • Posted

    hi there karen , the hardest thing is not knowing whas happening to you ,, learn all you can about you and your sympoms and you will understand whats happening to you ,, i went through peri menapause for nearly 9 years it was so hard to bare some days but what kept me calm was knowing what was happening , its hard to that you cant stop it happening its all out of your controll . keep getting your docs help when ever you can or need that reasurnce , diet , keeping active and some foods can help xx
    • Posted

      Thanks Lyn, so sweet of you to reply means a lot, I definitely agree that it helps knowing what is happening which is why I've started to log my symptoms daily and finding patterns helps me to know that the symptoms pass, guess I hoped suppressing my cycle would mean I wouldn't be subject to fluctuations anymore, but I guess that might not be the case, trying to think positive and be grateful that at least I have good spells x

    • Posted

      yes being thankful or greatful less is better  ,, once in the menapause as i am its all new things the thing hot flushes are just over welming , what  i love the most about my menapause is my boobs do not hurt anymore , i could not bare even the grand kids cuddling me xxx all the best if you have any questions please throw them this way i have a lot to say for my self ,he e he  , xxx
    • Posted

      Oh I have plenty of questions! did you not take any HRT ? I'm beginning to wonder if its worth it, I am on a high dose of estrogen and progestrone but yet I'm still getting symptoms - losing my hair now as well, so I must still be still going through the hormaonal fluctuations - guess its such a complicated process, if HRT was a cure then everyone would be taking it!

    • Posted

      i cant have hrt lovely , i had a rare ovarian cancer removed but it loves estrogen and i cant have anything related to it ,, i love my hot flushes because i know there is nothing going on inside me ,, weird i know ,, i eat good keep my weight down and try to stay fit ,, its all i ask for ,, i get tearful sweaty , panick a lot overwelming and sometimes i get like life is a rollar coaster , but you know what ,, im happy and try every day to be thankful , xx the menapause is such a challenge , dont think i have felt so crap ever lol ,, no sleep and mustle aches ,, who would be a woman ,,, but we are and its so nice to know we are not alone ,, karen god bless you and i hope if you have anymore to chat about we can talk on here, xxx
    • Posted

      Such a lovely message, you certainly have the right approach, I am slowly getting to seeing things in that way instead of 'poor me, this is so unfair, how can I fix this' though my gyno said that as I'm quite young I should be taking oestrogen as the gel is still not as high as the amount you get in pregnancy and that it has more benefits than risks as I've not got breast / cervical cancer in my family, thankfully, though I do worry about it for a long period

    • Posted

      thats a bonus you have nothing in your family history to worry about ,, keep an eye on your health and if you are worried about anything get looked at ,, i dont mind helping if i can with any questions ,, god bless you sweety xxx

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