symptoms that i cant really figure out

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so ever since i was about fifteen ive been having alot of issues that have gotten worse and worse over the years (im nineteen now)

i have alot of severe mental illnesses and ive been smoking and drinking way too much for many years so im certain all of those play a role in this

when i was little i had recurring GI issues but they went away for the most part eventually

but now theyre back and messing everything up

i dont have the money to go to a doctor and even if i did i wouldnt go anyway because i feel embarrassed 

i know of almost everything that this could possibly be but i just want some advice or insight or something

at times if im not having any "bad" symptoms my stomach just feels upset all the time in general

i vomit multiple times a day whether ive eaten or not and its projectile and violent and i cant stop until everything is out of me including bile 

an awful amount of acid burps come right before that starts

im constantly nauseous and its extremely debilitating and the only thing that seems to make it better is to just hang my head over something

i have no appetite at all and if i do it immediately just disappears right after ive begun to eat something and then i eventually vomit that just minutes after

sometimes i can have pain in the midsection so bad that it hurts to touch in the slightest and it doesnt stop for hours

im bloated beyond belief and my stomach looks full-term pregnant all the time mainly in my lower stomach

there are constant churning and violent noises that rarely stop

despite that though ive had absolutely no changes with my intestines at all and everything is normal and regular with that

im very skinny and my ribs show and my cheeks are sunken in but i have an average metabolism

no medicine or treatment has ever helped in the past 

im a widowed father so this keeps me unable to do things for my child sometimes and work is so difficult to get through without getting sick 

its all just very frustrating


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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi. I am so sorry to hear. Next time you get acid burps, take an antacid and see if it helps you feel better....than you'll know that it's an acid-related problem. You might have excess stomach acid. Are your eating habits poor? skipping meals? eating junk? You may need to take proton pump inhibitors (tablets) to reduce the production of stomach acid. Please do not be ashamed. You need to see a doctor as soon as you can afford it. All of us on this forum go through the same thing. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. You need to get tests done. Please take your health seriously.

    • Posted

      ive tried antacids but they havent been able to do much for me

      but i had to take antacids alot when i was a child and they helped alot then so im not sure if it could be a stomach acid issue

      i only have like one or two small meals a day if any 

      when i do eat its never any kind of junk in fact its usually something relatively healthy


  • Posted


    It could very well be that your stomach is not producing enough acid. This in turn can cause many mental and physical disease in the body. 

  • Posted

    Try and save up to see a doctor to uncover the cause of your vomiting.  In the meantime, try a food diary to see if a particular food is the cause and try food replacement build up drinks to nourish you.  Small sips of milk throughout the day may also help.

    Have you been widowed for long? If you are still feeling grief, the stress of all this could be causing the vomiting.  Stress can be very hard on the intestines. 

    • Posted

      ive been trying to keep track of foods that i seem to have the worst time with but most just seem to cause the same amount of problems no matter what

      ive also been trying those kinds of drinks aswell though and thankfully even if they do make me sick they do help

      ive been widowed for almost a year now and the stress of that added onto other things definitely makes a difference

      it was only until recently that i realized how much my emotions really affect my stomach


    • Posted

      My mum died at the end of May last year after a long battle with dementia and at times my dad can find it hard to adjust to a different routine.  He was her carer throughout her illness.  It can take time to recover. 

      I have always been very anxious because of Aspergers and over time this led to acid reflux and then three years ago I developed IBS. 

      Hopefully, you will be able to see a doctor soon and resolve your symptoms.  Take care!

  • Posted

    So sorry to hear that. I am sure you are having kind of an eating disorder. Not meaning that you are doing it to stay thin, but since you are always throwing up your developed a rejection against food and that is probably mental. 

    So first thing you need to work on is your diet. When you know you are eating healthy you might not have this rejection. 

    And remember your body needs good nutrition every single day to function properly!! And these are healthy carbs (that actually give you the most energy during the day), healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals + enough water!!

    Eat clean and colorful (so everything that god gave us and nothing that humans processed) and your body will thank you! 

    Health (also mental health) comes from your gut so living a healthy lifestyle will heal you.

    Plus start moderate exercise or if you don‘t have time - adjust your behavior. Park futher away from work to walk a little bit.. 10 minutes walking is already a great start!! And it relieves stress - and that is probably what you have by being a father and concerned about your health.

    Plus stay away from alcohol/drugs etc and get a multivitamin that has Vitamin B12, calcium and magnesium (or multivitamin and get an extra supplement for calcium & magnesium) Sounds like you are deficient in that. 

    Good luck! 

    • Posted

      ive definitely had the thought that this or some things about this may be an eating disorder 

      alot of the time i used to be at such an emotionally low point that i refused to eat for long periods of time so i wouldnt be surprised

      i eat healthy things when i can but i know i definitely am not getting enough 

      i actually tend to exercise alot on my own honestly and i work at a warehouse so i get most exercise from that aswell and it really does make me feel much better at times

      ive been trying as carefully as i can to stop or at least weaken my addictions but that seems kind of hopeless

      as ive said in another reply im trying to get more nutrients and vitamins and things like that from drinks since all else is failing



    • Posted

      Hi, do it for yourself. The problem with alcohol is that it has kilocalories and that is maybe why you are not too hungry, BUT you are missing out on the nutrients your body really needs. And this is like a vicious cycle.. your body will get weaker and weaker. I am almost 100% sure you are not getting enough healthy Carbohydrates daily, plus healthy fats. Your body needs that!!!! (+ protein, vitamins and minerals and lots of water) every day!! Check the for DRI on carbohydrates, Fats etc. so you get an idea. This was one of my biggest problems as well... And if you eat right and stay in a balance (and it sounds like you are really busy and burning lots of kilocalories at work anyways) you won't gain weight. But it honestly sounds like you need to gain some weight and that will make you stronger!

      And since your body is such a complex system with 1000000 of chemical processes going on where it needs these nutrients - you know now how much you are hurting your system by not giving it the right food. A bottle of beer or a glass of wine won't hurt - but everything in moderation. Just keep your body in mind and you are doing it for your child!! Be a great role model and save your child from second hand smoke because it is not just hurting you, but also your child. 

    • Posted

      thankyou for the suggestions i really do appreciate it

      honestly im not sure i can even eat foods with a healthy amount of carbs and fats without getting a bad reaction though

      i definitely know to stay away when im smoking i wouldnt dare let the smoke near my child

    • Posted

      I am really happy to hear that you are not smoking in front of your child.. 

      And I hope that you are feeling better soon and won't have to throw up that much. Have you tried drinking kefir and taking aloe vera? It calms your stomach and maybe that is a good start.

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