Symptons worse during period and ovulation time
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Has anyone noticed their symptons appear to be worse during period and ovulation time.? At one point my period time was my best days but now it has reversed , the symptons this month during my period was awful. I was constantly bloated and gassy. Now looking at the menstrual cycle chart, according to chart i would be ovulating this week and this bloating is horrible along with the heart palpitations. My digestion system seem to be all messed up. I was diagnoised with gastritis but i just cant get a break with it. The anxiety is trying to come back and im starting to get depressed and irritability comes sometimes. I feel weak and shaky at times. I was maintaining my weight , but ive noticed ive started to lose again because of the issues. I just want all of this to go away and feel normal again. Just when I start to feel better I get pushed back...its just not fair . Not to mentioned that my life was difficult and stressful to begin with and now this. It seem so unfair it's like I'm constantly being faced with something. I feel scared at times thinking something else is wrong with me, again this happens a certain time of the month. My mind goes non-stop sometimes. I feel nobody in my house understand what I'm going through. My husband is not supportive, he doesn't communicate with me at all. I have other sisters and friends that have gone through the change or is experiencing it now but nothing like what I'm going through. I have questioned God, why do i go through so much....why do i get so much pain in my life? I am sorry to vent , my intention was only to ask you all a question , but you ladies are the only one that can can relate or understand what I'm going through.
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becky53379 mary27278
mary27278 becky53379
Thank you Becky for your support. Though some days it is so hard for me to function but it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone. Only the ladies on this forum understand. I'm already taking vitamin d3 , magnesium, vit b
and I tried the calcium but it made my stomach burn so I stopped it. Another new sympton im having is hairloss. Have you experience this one? I desperately believes that the bio progesterone is causing my hairloss and worsening my symptons. I've been so agitated and irritable since I've been on it. I feel as if
I'm losing it sometimes. My life has changed so much since this. I can't do the things I used to do. I was very active, I danced and worked out alot. I was constantly on the go with my kids but now I don't have the energy or I'm not feeling well or I'm too embarrassed to be seen now because of the weight loss.
I like the way you put it, "this season of our lives." You're rigbt it is,a season and the season has to change. That's one way of looking at it. ?thanks!
lelawreck mary27278
Hi Mary. Be glad that you have found this site and forum. The ladies here are supportive and understand each and every nasty symptom of peri-menopause. You will also pick-up on a lot of tips and natural products that you can use to ease the symptoms. I too experienced a lot of anxiety - fluctuating all the time. I had a hysterectomy when I was 27 so I have no clue when my cycles are. I am sure that I was still ovulating last years - the normal symptoms of sore and tender breast etc, but have not had this since Jan this year. I therefore believe that I only still ovulate occasionally. Just when you think your symptoms are under control, your hormones readjust again, as Becky explained. This causes the adrenaline glands to go into haywire, which leads to hot flashes, heart palps and the shaky tired feelings. As the body produces less estrogen, other minerals like vit d and be, calcium and magnesium are been taken out of your body - which then cause the anxiety and feelings of doom and gloom. Do follow Becky's advice and start using vit d and b, calcium and magnesium, or check this out to get ease of mind. You are not alone, and it seems like there is a lot of ladies on this forum that suffers with anxiety during their cycles. Mine hit me over night and it was so bad, that i have been taking Xanor XR .1mg for the past 2 months now. They also put me on antidepressants, but this did not go down well, and I discontinued after 7days. I am taking be stress free, a vit D product, taking vit D and calcium and magnesium. I do not take any caffeine nor sugary products anymore not starch. This seems to help a lot with the IBS and bloating. I do not know and understand the reason why we feel the effect of peri on our digestive systems too, but this is a general symptom of peri. Just stay positive - we all will have our zest back i our life's once this crappy phase passes.
mary27278 lelawreck
Thank you for your support. I'm already taking vitamin d3,b, and magnesium. My blood work showed that my vit d and magnesium is a bit low. I don't do caffeine or sugar, I ate pretty healthy before all of this started which is why I don't know how it hit me so hard. Another thing, when I move around alot it tends to off set my palpitations, it is so weird. Don't know if this could be the gastritis ...
Another sympton I noticed a few days ago and now it's daily. I'm having hairloss, do you know what hormones causes hairloss? I can't lose my hair!
I'm on oral biodentical progesterone , I'm starting to think it has worsen my symptons. It seem as if everything went haywire since I've been taking it.
Makes me feel better to know it's not just me and im not alone in this.?
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary - try a combination of 1 x Biotin and 1 x Zinc daily for hair loss. Also, there's a shampoo called Plantur 39 - a caffeine shampoo for women over 40s - specifically related to hormone imbalance. My partner had severe hair loss and the difference after these 3 things has been astonishing - no exaggeration : )
lelawreck mary27278
cathy55794 mary27278
Mary I husband is not supportive of me either...the anxiety is up and I'm dealing with extremely low wbc..feeling like I'm going crazy...just try and pray and meditate...God bless😊