Symtoms and the drugs for AFIB?
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It has been a while since I posted but I now need help
I. HAS anyone had an operation while on the NEW blood thinner PLAVIX (which has NO Antidote (unlike Warfarin which does) ??
2. AFIB sufferers ,Please explain your symptoms of AFIB and medications you take..
I was diagnosed with AFIB 2 years ago and .I seem to have no symptoms but EKG says it is AFIB,
I am at my wits end trying to decide whether to risk surgery (DANGER if I have to stop the PLAVIXand DANGER to have an op with AFIB (even a local one ( unless given a drug to bridge the gap ..still risky with AFIB...because of an operation and possible bleeding) They switched me from Xarelto to PLAVIX a milder blood hinner
Thet switched me from the first NEW blood thinner Xarelto which is expensive and I think it caused a himotoma in my mastctomy breast ( which was reconstructed 12 years ago nowt ( NOW has hardened now and needs to be replaced BUT most dcctors rs AND myself are nervous to do even if taken off the new blood thinner Blood thinners .
So to ramble but I am a bit pannicked doctors have different opinions, as to the dangers of operating in my breast to remove the rock hard implant with a himotoma (Blood collection around the implant ) needs operation even a liocal may bleed excessively and NO antidote on this drug PLAVIX
Thank you
xx God Bless us all ... I also need a touth back molar extraction same risks on Plavix
What I am asking is Please tell me your symtoms of AFIB and wwhy I feel OK no symptoms...and 2
HAS anyone had an operation while taking the newer more damgerous drug PLAVIX?
3 What drugs have you found best for AFIB?
They have switched me from Atenalol and one name? ends in Me Coreg and Enalapril ecause of high BP> (I could not tolerate that
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acuteabdo pebbalita
AF usually is asymptomatic, that is totally normal. In terms of drugs, Plavix (clopidogrel for UK viewers) is an antiplatlet (like aspirin) as opposed to anti coagulant like warfarin. The drug you were on Xarelto (riveroxaban) is a newer alternative to warfarin an am fairly sure will totally replace warfarin in a few years.
Plavix is not new, it's been around ages, it will just be stopped before the op and you will be given low molecular warfarin to cover the clotting risk for your admission except when on the table. The risk of you having a clot is still very low. AF patients are anti-coagulated to avoid the risk of stroke over a period of years.
Hope this makes sense, just ask if anything needs clarifying, in short I'm not sure why your docs are panicing, operating on patients on blood thinners is not uncommon and there are ways round it.
best wishes,
Not low molecular warfarin, that doesn't exist! Low molecular weight heparin is what it should read, sorry!
suzanne48640 acuteabdo
acuteabdo suzanne48640
Thanks! I try my best
pebbalita acuteabdo
Hi hank you all for your impot BUT not only my drs plastic suregry for breast hardened implant 18 years ago Breast Cancer 18 years ago.I am in Costa Rica BUT it is a very modern country I lived here 26 years and people FLYIN around the world for dentistry ANd Plastic surgery BUT they are not taking anticogs,,,I have domne LOTS of reserach on line and HONESTLY most people assume that I am just concerned about my heart with AFIB NO it is the BLEEDING which as of yet has no antidote Unlike Warfarin which only yakes Vit K shots to stop any bleed AND it is a fact that STOPPING any anticoagulant can cause either STROKE or HEART attack.. That is part of ouor concerns .
GOOGLE it and you will see why doctors (and I ) dread the risk..
Tho I just read that Aug 17th we may have GREAT news for those of us waiting for an ANTIDOTE for surgery risks .on X factor anticoagulants ...I got OFF the XARELTO which I am CONVINCED caused the Haemotoma ( Spelling?) cluster of blood that niw surround my mastectomy implant now as hard as a rock and ULTASOUNDS show increasing s in Innner BLEEDING...a side effect for most Anti coagulants ...Over 12 years was FINE till that Xarelto...lots of law suits abound on line I chose Plavix after reading online that it is used to precent blood clots I opted for that until we gat an antidote I am as wary as the surgeons all well trasined in UK and USA,,,so after reading that the anidote whcih alrady has received appoval by AMA may have GREAT news Aug 17th ..Maybe I can hang in there ...If you try to check with PS there I imagine they also would fear a bleed out...and a big lawy siuit HERE they are not into Lawsuits as such.THANK YOU ALL So much I will see if I can satll until AUG 17th xx God Bless us all
acuteabdo pebbalita
Hi again,
How are you getting on. Not to sound rude but do you need the surgery? Is there any risk to your health from the haemotoma? Also plavix is not used in the treatment of AF, not in the UK anyway as it does not protect from clots associated with the condition, and I don't need google to tell me that
You shouldn't worry so much about antidotes, there are other ways to stop people bleeding (Fluid resus, pressure, surgical courterisation/ ligation, FFP, clotting factors etc...) The way to avoid clots over the period of surgery is heparin, as is used for pretty much all surgical patients.
Maybe the best option though if you are really worried is to not have the surgery, otherwise consider the switch to heparin for the surgical period, annoying though as it is a daily injection.
Best wishes, hope it all works out,
linda51222 pebbalita
In the UK there are 3 alternatives to Warfarin, Dabigataran (Pradaxa) Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Apixaban (Eliquis) the first one has an antidote.they do not recommend Clopidogrel as it not a anti coagulant and doesn't give the same protection.
It is not unusual to have AFib with not outward symptoms.
I am not sure why they are scaring you they have ways of dealing with it. before during and after the surgery.
pebbalita linda51222
Tank uyou Linda BUT I have 3 sugeons One I would PAY who will not do the Impant remaoval ,,,He is a famous breast surgeon and people from around the world come here for him ...BUT he is nit concerned about the surgery NOR the AFIB the bridge drugs as I get off Plavix would help BUT he IS Concerned about the excessive BLEEDING and he re consrtructed my breast 12 years ago.with MICROSURGERY taaking skin from my back, connecting veins etc..NO EASY he would be my first choice BUT he has had experience with patents on Blood thinners and no longer will take the risk even for me,now a friend until a antidote is on the market SOON I hope.
suzanne48640 pebbalita
I can answer some of your questions.
I also have AF with no symptoms, even when my heart rate goes to 170! -- no symptoms whatsoever. The only test that showed it was my wearing a holter monitor -- so, yes, you can have AF without any symptoms.
As for blood thinners -- the only one of the NEWER drugs that DOES have an antedote is Predaxa. Their reversal came out last October. Therefore, I would request your doctor to get you onto it asap -- there doesn't seem to be a problem with changing blood thinners as I went from eliquis (with no reversal) to predaxa. It is expensive, I should warn you.
I would think that the doctors could help you with the decision to have an operation and when you should go off the blood thinner to do so. They should be able to give you that advice.
Good luck. suzanne
pebbalita suzanne48640
suzanne48640 pebbalita
I'm on predaxa, which has an antidote, not plavix, which does not. I've been on it since last December and so far, so good.
ali73023 pebbalita
Xarelto is not a blood thinner it is an anti coagulation drug which means it stop clotting of blood. Presumably Plavix is also an anti coag? So you shouldn't be worried about bleeding out.
One week after taking 20mg a day Xarelto tablets I had to have a blood test done & Nurse went to 3 different sites to try to extract any blood & finally got some out of my hand. I promise you it certainly wasn't gushing out as I expected. I don't think you have too much to worry about seeing as you are only on 2.5mg.
pebbalita ali73023
A;i Thank you for your post
But most antocoagulants are usually referred to as "Blood Thinners " _althpugh they do not thin the blood...
And as for Xarelto I was on the usual 20 mg daily before months later I developed inner bleeding ..Haemotoma...Maybe I made a typo which said 2;5 ?? I will check I am very tired and as usual not a good typist as my mind works faster than my fingers and with a broken keyboard..
as for getting blood tests THAT does not make you bleed out BUT Operations where skin is CUT OPEN to perform a long operation do...
robynfromOz pebbalita
Hi. How long have you had the haematoma? Is it getting smaller? The body should naturally get rid of it and it does no harm anyway. I would get another opinion before l rushed in to any surgery. With the tooth they could always put some packing in to stop any bleeding.
I am on Apixiban and stopped it 2 weeks before knee surgery and l still had some bleeding- but not too much ( i was only taking half the dose as l bleed easily anyway)
I'm on Flecatide and Metoprolol which have significantly reduced my AF compared to when l was on Sotolol.
Good luck.
pebbalita robynfromOz
Yes I waited 5 months for the body to absorb the Haemotoma NO luck just had another ultrasound and it is BIGGER ...around the bottom of my rock hard implant ..not for reasons of vanity does it need to be either drained or taken out ,,although the swelling has made me grotesquely sp? deformed (no spell check and tired from all the nice opinions here ...and me a lousy typist.. I still feel it should either be drained or removed a BIG bleeding risk..I am a Brit so the bleeding word although a swear word at home is appropriate ,,,so much for the absorn=bing but thank you
suzanne48640 pebbalita
I've had three hemotomas -- one from a dog bite (before I was on any meds for AF) which took almost two years to disolve, and two currently on my hand which appeared after an attempted blood drawer over a year ago that are still there. From what I understand, they can take a long time to go away. The ones on my hand appeared while I'm on Pradaxa.