Tablets are not working now...
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I have been on HRT for over 9 years, after having to have a sub total hysterectomy in 2005.
After three months I could not continue with the flushes/feeling low so went on to take Tibolone.
I am now 56 years old.
The past 3-4 years I cut my tablets down to maybe 3-4 a week or less. In 2012 I tried to come off
the tablets with terrible results, so went back on them again. Just the past few months joint
pain has got worse and I have a tingling feeling in my fingers now as if they have gone to sleep
during the night. It's as if the menopause has got worse and even taking the HRT tablets does not prevent the sweats at night now. The GP has changed my tablets to Premique..... I don't feel these are working either.
Can anyone offer any advices - I have tried all the herbal recommendations - they don't work very well for me.........
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sharon13184 helen93485
helen93485 sharon13184
About 2-3 weeks and yes the same doseage as you are taking.
Who would be a woman eh?
Thanks for the kind words .......
kris54 helen93485
I decided to go to a naturopath who was also a GP so was able to order blood tests which showed my hormones were way off balance. He made up a cream of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. It is all natural and I feel like super woman. I have had woman say to me that natural products dont work but blood tests dont lie either. My levels are where they are supposed to be and I am a new woman. No sweats, no fuzzy head can sleep dont cry am not nervous no mood swings and have a libido again. Maybe you can go down that route good luck xxx
helen93485 kris54
I know need to go down the private route and I don't care what it costs I need to get rid of this awful way I feel at the moment. Would you be willing to advise who you contacted..... I really want blood tests done so I can get what I really need to help this condition and get on with life. Thanks for replying to me. This is the route I hope to take as well. Thanks again
kris54 helen93485
I live in Australia so cant help you with who I go to. I did go to a menopausal clinic it was crap. They wanted me to take wild yam and other rubbish which I had a friend who did that cost a fortune and did not help at all.
All I can say is look in the phone book for a naturopath I dont know how it works in the UK. I subscribe to a GP from the states who is all for natural medicine and thats how I found out about the cream so asked the naturopath here about the cream.
The naturopath cost a fortune but I spoke to my own GP and he is willing to prescribe it for me which here the GP cost nothing. Also there are great health food stores here and sometimes a naturopath runs it. they can help too sometimes but dont get caught up in all the products they wont to flog you. Get the blood test done first my estrogen levels had dropped from 400 to 40 now they are all balanced and I get a blood test done every three months to see if they are still good so any one of the three ingredients I mentioned can be adjusted. It amazes me how a GP can prescribe hormone treatments without checking your blood and hormone levels first.Good luck
helen93485 kris54
I am going to push for blood tests to be taken, and take it from there.
Very good advices... Thank You.
tina37023 kris54