Taken A Turn
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Hello All,
So I seemed to have taken a turn. This whole peri thing baffles me. No matter how much research and gain knowledge, I still don't know where to gage anything.
Let me recap a little of where I started. 2013 I was 36 years old. My cycles went from 28 days to 23 heavy bleed with clots, gained tons of weight, extremely sore breasts, lots of headaches, insomnia, nightsweats and occasional heart flutters. November 2015 I was 38 years old the cycles stayed the same, lost 20+ pounds, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, weird head pressure, tingling extremities, dizziness, off balance, short of breath, racing heart, internal tremors, dry hair and skin, doom and gloom, moody, rage, internal tremors, digestive issues, chills, night sweats, occasional hot flushes.
Now fast forward to now. I have taken a turn. Extremely fatigued (like now I can barely keep my eyelids open), night sweats, really hungry (like right now)(especially for sweets) I've had cake the last two days and today I want rocky road icecream. My cycles are coming 25, 26, or 27 days with very minimal bleeding. I don't know what to think of this anymore.
This is the weirdest thing i've ever expierenced. I'm scared to think of what can come next.
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Snowbell1975 jamie50513
jamie50513 Snowbell1975
The funny thing is, the hard stuff has calmed down for now. Just the extreme fatigue and sugar cravings are coming down on me. It's all just so crazy. This hormone thing is really baffling. The scary part is, I know the hard stuff will be back. Not looking forward to it.
gailannie jamie50513
Yep perimenopause really sucks!! 2013 recap indicates that you had some anovulatory cycles. Are the symptoms were there on tipping the sales into estrogen dominance, dhorter cycles, clots, sore breasts, etc. 2015 still indicates fluctuation in hormones and a changing base. And again in 2016, you are still cycling, yet bouncing. That's the thing about perimenopause, things are constantly changing. There are highs and lows of estrogen and progesterone. But it's really tough to get a handle on it, because there is such constant flux.
Sorry, but I sure understand how awful this can be. What we seldom take into consideration is that all of our hormone systems work together. So a drastic swing with our sex steriod system often messes with all the other hormone systems, i.e insulin, thyroid, adrenal gland production. So it really becomes a mess and difficult to make go away.
What is often recommended is to do all the right things. Plenty of sleep, lack of stress, eat really well, take a good vitamin, drink lots of water and find lots of time for yourself. This helps calm the overall system, and gives you the best chance to rebound to these swings. But the one thing in perimenopause you can totally count on is odd symptoms and wide flucuations. If you get a chance, looks at some of the graphs of woman's hormone levels in this stage of life. It's a realy eye opener.
jamie50513 gailannie
gailannie jamie50513
BugglyBot jamie50513
The stinging tired eyes have got me down and my sweet cravings are through the roof. Strange too as it's when I'm in bed that they're really bad and I can't keep getting up and eating or taking sweet treats/chocolate to bed especially since I have Type 2 Diabetes now. My periods are all over the place and the Mirena coil I have fitted stops the bleeding so it's hard to gauge what is what.
I feel for you because there's no fast rule to the peri symptoms and just when we feel okay, they hit us again. Believe me, you're not on your own. I feel for you and again tonight, I've said that it's unreal how the medical field don't have more answers for us. Fingers crossed you, and all of us will feel better soon. You ladies here have helped me so much xx.
jamie50513 BugglyBot
My eyes are stinging and burning rite now. I want to take a nap, but it's only going to last 15-30 minutes at the most. I'm literally exhausted like I ran a marathon. I too have been taking cake to bed and trying not to eat sweets in the middle of the night. I want ice cream so bad but not getting it because I think the sugar triggers me getting really hot. My daughter just came in my room with popcorn and I want to take the whole bowl from her and eat it myself.
I read something earlier that made a lot of sense. She pretty much stated that doctors don't address it because they are taught to practice medicine in schools supported by a medical establishment and the education they get once in the practice comes primarily from pharmaceutical sales people. The object of the establishment appears to be perpetuation of disease to boost the sale of drugs and educating people on the importance of hormones doesn't fit the bill.
ellacraig jamie50513
I'm ordering a stool analysis to check for candida. Candida can cauaeALL these symptoms too.
Going to see a homeopath today too. See if she can level me out Some. Let u know if it helps
Zigangie jamie50513
My periods were ok on time lighter.
But suddenly all I could think about was cake sweets chocolate and sugar, I began baking loads of cakes.
I also had an irresistible desire for chocolate milk shake made with jersey cows milk, chocolate sauce in first expensive Belgian chocolate milk shake mix grated chocolate and marshmallows on top drunk through a chocolate straw.
I don't even like milkshake! Just like being pregnant.
This went on for over a year.
jamie50513 Zigangie