Taking HRT with blood clots

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Hi, I had Lemiere's Disease a year ago, and still have a blood clot in my jugular vein and 2 in my sinus veins. For this reason my GP says I can't have hrt. I've found some info saying you can't have it if you're predisposed to getting clots. I have been tested and do not have thombophilia. I just have clots caused by a viral infection that will probably never go away. Any body else been refused hrt due to clots? ( I also had a hysterectomy 18 months ago, still have my ovaries , never been given any info on what to expect. I'm 49 now.)


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20 Replies

  • Posted

    That does seem to be one of the standard issues for taking estrogen.  It's good you still have your ovaries as they will push off some hormones.  

    I've never had a blood clot, so sorry I can't be more help on this.  Just know that they seem to be a reason for no HRT.

    • Posted

      Thanks gailannie, standard answer of "no,you have clots" is frustrating to say the least. Looking into alternative remedies at the moment. My main issues are fatigue and mood swings! Also GPs seem to go by whether or not you have hot flushes. I rarely have these, but can tick every other symptom of menopause!

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      Doctors seems to think that hot flashes are the main sign of menapause. How ridiculous that is. I don't have hot flashes but have so many other symptoms, especially fatigue & mood swings!

  • Posted

    HI there

    I had multi blood clots on my lungs (PE) two years ago, and they not sure y I got them, so I have to stay on apixaban ( blood thinners ) for life now as Iv got a high chance I will get clots again...

    I started going through the menopause around 5 years ago, I'm now 53, and Iv asked two different GP if I can have HRT as suffering really bad with the menopause, but both have said no way, and I asked another GP 3 weeks ago and why I can't have HRT, he also said no chance as there is a possibility that HRT could cause another blood clot, and because I have a higher chance of getting them, there is no way they will put me on HRT....

    So that's what IV been told y I can't...

    Maybe if you've already have clots there are not taking any chance, as blood clots can be dangerous if they go to the brain or get stuck in your heart ...

    So Iv just have to grit my teeth and keep going, as there's nothing else they can give to me to help with menopause 😩

    I hope this helps a little for you, and I'm always here if you need to chat or ask any thing, you take care and hope all goes well for you 🙂 X  

    • Posted

      Hi Dawn, I'm not on blood thinners as there's no evidence that it makes a difference, not enough known on Lemiere's. I'm also not considered at risk of getting any more clots. It frustrates me that it's a point blank 'no'. It's the fatigue and mood swings that are getting me down. With an 11 year old son who constantly wants to play sports ( me being a single parent) , it's really getting me down having to say no a lot of the time! Have you tried any alternative remedies?

    • Posted

      Hi there

      With you havin blood clots there in your body, are they not worried if they detach themselves and travel around your body??? Iv never heard lemieres do not sure how that works..

      I have my grandson mon/tues all day and it does kill me to be honest as I'm so tied through lack of sleep, and I have a few other health probs...

      It wasn't till I hit 50 that I went down hill very quick, after havin the blood clots on my lungs I still can't breath very well, and I'm having to see my consultant to find out why I'm like this 2 years later, then the menopause hit me even more lol, I became very agitated that I couldn't sleep at night, I just seen to be fighting with my bed lol, lucky I'm on my own or think I would of killed them if were in same bed 😡 Some times I wasn't getting to sleep till 3 in the morin then awake at 5 ...

      Then mood swings, hot flushes and so on and on, the GP seems to just think that u should just get on with it, as nothing they can give me, I will say the only thing I have tried is 'kalms' tablets as they are herbel and say they help for menopause and irritable, so I'm on them at the moment and I think they just take the edge of thinks and seem to help a little for ME, but what works for one person may not for others, but I wanted to try any thing that mite help ...

      As for being tied, I just have to cope with it, as I have ulcerative colitis so that makes my body tied, so nothing I can do for that, I know people say exercise or good walk helps, BUT NOT FOR ME lol, I use to go to the gym 6 days a week ( befor clots ) and instead of walking out feeling on top of the world, I would crawl out and glad to get home, so no form of exercise helps me feel refreshed, but each to there own...

      I do hope you get to feel better soon, and must be very hard bring a child up on your own, and feeling very tied , good luck to you, but keep talking on here as we all going through same sort of problems, I'm here for you if you want to talk good luk x😁

  • Posted

    Yes, I had blood clothing issues in the past. I had mini strokes etc. But I have been given all clear by haemotologist about 2-3 years ago. But Iam told due to my past history of clothing I am not safe to take HRT. So I go through peri without any medication. It must be the same with you. The risk is there and they don't want to risk your health /life. Take care - good luck

  • Posted

    Hi enigma, I just checked out Lemiere D online and I can see why they don't want you to take HRT while you already have cloth in your body. It is far too risky. Take care.

    • Posted

      Hi, I know, it's all a bit of an unknown really as it's considered fairly rare. But it's nowhere? near what you've been through! I guess the risks outweigh the benefits, but the constant fatigue and emotional rollercoaster get me down. Waiting on more blood test results from my specialist and GP to see if it's hormone related, or down to the Lemiere's.

    • Posted

      Hi, I am absolutely the same with fatigue and emotional rollercoaster. They both get me down.  I also wonder if it is peri or my condition lupus etc causing this. I am also having blood test this Friday to see what is what . But too be hones these blood tests are usually inconclusive. Blood tests don't seem to prove anything or to convince DRs that we ARE NOT WELL! And we know what is wrong with our bodies. Take care & good luck with your blood test results.

    • Posted

      Good luck with your blood test too and I will keep you updated as to what results I get too!
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    No, on HRT, but you can have the morning after pill which is what I took to help with perimenopause.
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      This is interesting. I never heard morning after pill could be an option for peri. It is good news if it can be.  But not sure for some.  Due to clothing I couldn't take contraceptive pills either. So I wonder with blood clothing issue morning after pill would be safe either!? Worth looking into.

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      Yes, we used to give it to those patients who were on Coumadin or had blood clot issues, when i worked in the clinic. So it's been used for many years, as I recall over 35 years.

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      That's great Sochima. So how does morning after pill regulates the hormones during peri?  Is morning after pill works differently then contraceptive pills please?

    • Posted

      Because estrogen is the culprit of blood clots but with the morning after pill the pill is progesterone like 50 times the amount of estrogen. Therefore, it is safe to take.
    • Posted

      I was on the mini pill many years ago, and I had to give it up as it was progesterone only which made my mood swings horrendous,I was pretty nasty!! This is what worries me about some of the bioidentical creams out there which are mostly progesterone...I don't want to turn evil again!

    • Posted

      Oh, sorry to hear that Enigma. It sounds awful. I guess it is important to have balance between hormons. If one is too high and other is too low etc then we struggle. All the best.

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