Taking levothroxine and vitamins

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Hi there

I'm new here so hello to you all.

I take 75mg of levo every morning with a full glass of water 1 hour before food. The doctor said I could take 100mg one day and 75mg another day if I wanted to test it as my level was a tiny bit low.

I noticed that I have alot of hairloss recently it only started i think when the colour if the packets changed . My regular pots were green and pink. They are now silver. Are these new ingredients or am I just over thinking it. I have recently over the past week been shaky in the hands since I started taking vitamins . I always took a primrose oil capsule every evening no problems. I have however started taking vitamin b12 and cranberry tablets to help with my periods

Can anyone advise? I'm not due for another levo blood test for 3 months time.

I noticed there was a nurse on here recently giving good advice who I would like to hear from. Can anyone else advise. My hairloss is getting worse and I have shaky hands sometimes and feel giddy too.

Thank you all


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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sue

    I take levothyroxine also and when mine is even a tiny bit low it causes my hair to break and my hairbrush fills with hair...once My medication is correct my hair is ok..maybe you need to wait until your at the correct level...if your still concerned go and see the doctor about it..just to make sure the tablets are the same ingredients..I'm sure they are but let them know about your shaky hands your hair loss and giddiness. .unfortunately low thyroid cause a lot of different symptoms..hair loss being one I know about...hope it all works out well for you

    • Posted

      Hello Kenzi

      Thank you very much. I have been to the doctors about my hair and she said my thyroid level was ok. I told her my symptoms and she done a few blood tests and said they are fine. I don't know what else to do . Please read my message to catalin as it is more detailed.

      Thank you kenzi


  • Posted


    levothroxine is T4 is it not? I took it in the past, but it did not help me. I did not convert T4 to T3. Some people do not convert due to some very complicated chemical reactions/inflammation in the body. There is a long list of hypothyroid symptoms. If you do not convert T4 to T3 you are hypothyroid and it does not matter how much levothroxine you take. It is complicated. Do you know if your doctor is keen on the TSH results? I also lost a lot of hair. I was taking then nature-throid (T4+T3) which did not help me either. I'd like to help you more, T4 is not the answer for many people. My partner lost 8 kilos in one week when he started taking it and he had to stop. He's a very slim person although he is hypothyroid. When I started taking T4 my right leg got really swollen and I had to stop taking it.

    There are other things. There is the adrenal glands... do you get giddy when you stand up?

    Vitamins do not have serious side effects...

    I hope you find help, because hypothyroidism is very complicated.

    • Posted

      Hello Catalan

      Thank you for your reply

      About every 7-10 days I get an occasion when my hands shake and I feel very giddy. It can be when I'm stood up or sat down. I can't get to sleep until about 1-2 am .

      I have managed to find the active ingredients on the leaflet it confuses me so they are words and chemicals I don't understand so I'm sorry if i sound stupid.

      It says:

      Levothroxine contains:

      White round biconvex

      Levothroxine sodium

      Maize starch (E421)



      Sodium citrate


      Magnesium stearate

      This is completely alien to me I don't understand any of those ingredients.

      My doctor just usually says you are too high or too low and adjusts my dose. I never know what to ask about. Any further advice I would appriciate .

      Thank you so much for your message you have been very kind


      United Kingdom

    • Posted

      Hi both I just checked my packet it says new formulation . I'm wondering if this is the issue . I have recently been suffering constipation too which I forgot to mention. In the UK we have the NHS the downside to this is trying to get an appointment . They are very reluctant to do too many tests or trials as they like to keep cost down regardless of how minor it is to them. It has a big effect on my life.

      Thank you both you have been lovely and I wish you both a healthy life .


    • Posted

      Hi Sue I'm in the UK too my packet for 50 mg is gold and the one for 25mg is white the ingredients are

      Levothyroxine sodium active ingredient



      Magnesium sterrace



      Stearic acid

      Pregelatinised maize starch

    • Posted

      I am a Spanish woman from Barcelona living in Australia with my Londoner partner since 1992.
    • Posted

      In Australia we have Medicare. It is the same all over the world. They are trying to save money and we suffer the consequences. Constipation is one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism. I never learnt/read that the hormone replacement therapies cause constipation. And I have read a lot and studied a lot. If  it is alright with you, How old are you? because if you have all these symptoms now but you are 50 or 60 years old and you have not been treated for hypothyroidism for a long time,  then the symptoms become more apparent later in life...
    • Posted

      Hi kenzi

      Thank you for your reply .

      The packets now say new formula which I'm sure is half the battle. Keep an eye on packets changing . A lovely lady has been messaging me and been really helpful . I'm going to look at the info she has sent me .

      So try and keep an eye on my messages . Maybe we can both learn from her . She seems to know her stuff


    • Posted

      I know that Armour (T3/T4)  which is a natural hormone replacement therapy changed the formula or something and people have been complaining about it. You can write to the laboratories who make the levo... medication and ask them what was the previous formula, Then you can compare if there is much difference in the two formulas and discuss it in the forum.
  • Posted


    If you go to Wikipedia it tells you. It is T4. The thyroid gland has to hormones T4 and T3. They give hypothyroid people T4 and expect their bodies to convert some of it to T3 which is  the most beneficial hormone for the thyroid to function.

    The other ingredients are things are to bind the T4 into a tablet.

    • Posted

      Hi there

      Thank you for your reply I appriciate it. I will awnser any questions you ask me.

      I am 49 years of age and have been taking thyroxine for several years now. It's only the past 12 months I've really noticed things changing . I had a blood test etc as I thought I was going through the change but no nothing there. I spend alot of time out in Spain in the jalon valley costa blanca region with my fiance at our villa as I have aching wrists too and have had to wear support on them in the winter in the UK. My fingers turn white in the cold which is most painful I thought it was down to smoking I stopped smoking 3 years ago but no improvement

      I am an active person and keep myself very busy

      Can you advise when I see my doctor what should I ask for ? How to I make him listen to me?

      I've tried several doctors but it's all the same. I feel confused alot I can't sleep well. I've got hairloss etc.

      I feel like I'm going on sorry

      I will look at what you sent me. Any advice would be great .

      Thank you


    • Posted

      I think you should tell your doctor that you think that you cannot go living like that and that you think that Levo.... is not working for you. Do you get a copy of your blood tests? You are now getting close to the menopause and if you have not been treated properly for your hypothyroidism, as one gets older, the hypothyroidism gets worse and its symptoms. Some books around are good to inform/teach you about the thyroid problems and that I know things like the wrists pain is due to hypothyroidism. But doctors do not blame certain symptoms to hypothyroidism. It is impossible for me to explain to you what is to know because is long and complicated. I understand what you are going through. Did you like the Jalon valley. I have not been there. I am from Barcelona.

      Ask for a copy of the latest tests. When are you going to see the doctor? is she an endocrinologist?

      Thinking of you

    • Posted


      Sorry I just saw this message . Yes I love jalon valley we spend around 10 months out of 12 here . It's beautiful here we love it and it helps my wrists too.

      My doctor is just a regular doctor no one seems interested there.

      They have other problems bigger than mine or so they seem to think !

  • Posted


    You said " My doctor is just a regular doctor no one seems interested there". What do you mean by "there"?.

    Look you have to insist on seeing an endocrinologist. (They are not much good either by the way), but it is the right thing to do. regular doctors do not know anything other than giving prescriptions and referrals to see specialists, at least here in Australia. They see the patients for 5 minutes...confused

    The specialists although wrong, they give more tests...

    I am going to hospital now . I have tooth ache (I lost a bridge some 3 weeks ago and I need the extraction of 2 molars). It is a complicated story, They confuse the issue. I went to see a maxilofacial surgeon... $600 and he did not show any interest in my particular situation (Addison's disease)...etc etc...I do not think I should involve you...

    I'll contact you soon hopefully

    • Posted


      My doctor isn't a specialist and just seems to hand out the prescription and send me out the door.

      I hope you get on ok with your tooth

      I think I will take your advice and go higher than a doctor

      Take care Sue

    • Posted

      It is difficult to have doctors as pragmatic...With your best smile, perhaps you could say something like: "I need to see an endocrinologist. I am not feeling well enough. Could you please give me a referral to see one?". Something like that?

      I did not go to the hospital for my tooth.  I have to wait until the second or third day of double dose of hydrocortisone before they can take the 2 roots out. Monday is the last day. After that I have to wean off and take the normal amount of hydrocortisone. If the dentist does not do the job on Monday, it will be a saga. I could not talk to the dentist in the weekend. The dentist said she wanted to talk to my endocrinologist about my Addison's disease/medication, before taking the roots out. The endocrinologist is on holiday. And I started having pain yesterday. I was told by the previous dentist that the pain would come and it was good if I could have the roots taken out. I lost the bridge five weeks ago now. When having Addison's disease, the visits to the dentist, infections, surgery, flu and various other things have to be handled with care otherwise what is called Addison's crisis may occur. I have had one in 2015, when I almost died.  This is all in a nutshell... that's why it is so important to get information about what to expect. My first dentist wanted $600 to perform the extractions. It is a lot of money. It would had been alright if he had informed me about what to do after the surgery, what to eat, giving me a piece of paper with the aftermath as well as what to do before. But he did not do anything like that. I have printed some information to be prepared with the bleeding, pain, fever, which painkillers, etc.

      Thanks for asking. I am sure everything will be ok. I'll be glad when it is all resolved. If my dentist does not perform the operation on Monday, then I can go to hospital to see what they can do/advise me...

    • Posted

      Good luck with the tooth Catalan ..I refused my dentist as he wanted to take my tooth out but didn't understand or had ever heard about Addisons Disease ..on my next check up I signed the usual forms to see they had added Addisons Disease / adrenal issues to the list which pleased me as I know he had read up on it to put it in the form so hopefully they understand it or at least know about Addisons now..

    • Posted

      You have  forms to sign where they you can read patients conditions. We do not have such forms... we only have at the bottom of the referral letters to specialists a list of conditions which are laughable really... they do not represent the real health problems of the patient at all. My Addison's disease has not been diagnosed, but the endocrinologist told me to double the amount of hydrocortisone first time when I had a very bad cold (I had an appointment that day to see him) and now with the tooth extraction. Thanks for your good wishes. By the way do you live in UK ? It is interesting

    • Posted

      The forms are a tick list for patients to say what illness and meds they are taking before dentist works on you...yes I do live in the UK

      I had Adrenal issues at first my eyes when outside hurt the light bothered me a lot then I would be OK after few weeks..went on for years noticed it was in times of stress I would have the symptoms then Addisons appeared 8 years ago..

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