Taking other meds with Carbimazole?

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Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves today, after going to docs due to swelling round my eyes & then having blood tests, etc. & am furiously reading up on the condition.

I have been prescribed Carbimazole but what I didn't ask the doctor was if I could take Ibuprofen or other painkillers with it (I have frozen shoulder in both arms which gets painful so I take painkillers). I've read the leaflet with the tablets and it's not overly clear whether I can take painkillers too, or what type?

I also occasionally take Actifed for sinus problems but I will check about that with my doctor before taking them again but I was surprised to see on the leaflet about not taking some herbal remedies & that is worrying as I take echinacea fairly regularly.

Being prone to frequent bad colds, echinacea in the last 4 years has been a Godsend & has kept me free from really bad colds that used to lay me low for weeks, all I have now are a few days of sniffles and that's it, so is it OK to take echinacea whilst taking carbimazole? I'd hate to stop taking it but the leaflet doesn't give any idea of what I shouldn't take. Can anyone help, please? Thank you :-)

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5 Replies

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    I didn't even give this a thought. I take other medications besides the methimazole and didn't give a thought to interactions. My dose is very low though (5 mg) (highest dose I was on was 10 mg). Usually if there are contraindications with a medication, here in Canada the pharmacist tells you when you pick up the meds. I also take anti-inflammatory meds for arthritis as well as Tylenol for arthritis, blood pressure meds, small amount of antidepressant, vitamin D, Co-Q10 and take sinus meds when needed as well as antibiotics when prescribed. I don't think you will have an interaction but to be sure, check with your pharmacist. The only thing that really affects my blood results with the Methimazole is when I add acetyl-L-carnitine which tends to bring my TSH into the normal range and my TSH falls when I refrain from using the L-carnitine. It has been written up in reports in the medical literature as being beneficial to Graves disease along with prescribed meds but not too many docs are familiar with this yet.


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    Hi, I have graves too and take 10mg of carbimazole per day. I too had never given painkillers a thought and have hust taken them as and when needed. As suggested by Lina, just go somewhere like Boots who will check out on their system if there are any interactions with the drug. I am guessing though that now you have discovered you have graves and are taking carbimazole, you might find your aches and pains reducing significantly. I had a similar issue with my neck and shoulders but realised after the graves diagnosis that a lot of my shoulder pain was caused by the graves. Good luck.


  • Posted

    Hi, you can take any painkillers with your tablets it's fine. It doesn't effect it. I'm not a doctor, but if you need reassurance just ring your gp surgery and leave a message for your doctor, asking is it ok. They can then reply. Or ask pharmacist at any chemist they will also tell you. I have overactive thyroid, Graves' disease and a few other medical conditions related to it. I had surgery whilst being I'll and was in hospital a week. I was rattling the amount of tablets I was having. I had to give hospital my carbimazole, propranolol and citalopram which is what I take for my thyroid and graves. And then they were giving me my normal doses, plus co-codamol and some other very strong pain killers so I assume it would be ok as I was in hospital :-)

  • Posted

    Thanks for your help, it's all so new to me, and had never heard of the condition before - I have hyperthyroid and Graves apparently, though I thought it was all the same thing. Doctor did explain it very well but was a lot to take in

    It developed after I lost my little westie dog in April - my 4 legged soulmate and constant shadow, never known grief like it, even after a few months I thought my puffy eyes were down to constant crying :-(

    I phoned my doctor (reception) and they said to contact the pharmacy, which i have done and waiting for them to call back. I have taken Co-codamol though in the meantime as my head was thumping this morning! I used to take Citalopram (for depression) and will ask doc if I can go back on that :-) I'm on 30mg of Carbimazole

    Tracy - I now wonder if my shoulders and arm problems were down to this condition, my right arm started 'freezing' after April as well. My saliva glands kept swelling too, like I'd got mumps one side, but Doc seems to think it's not related but I think it must be somehow.

    Thanks for the tip on L-carnitine, I'll see if I can find it :-) I don't know what my levels are but will ask next time :-) I'll have a plough through all the topics to find what other vitamins, etc I can take to help. I'll follow up too on what pharmacy advise re: other meds. Thanks for all your help :-)

  • Posted

    If you go on the L-carnitine make sure it is Acetyl-L-Carnitine. I would start at the lowest dose which I believe is 250 mg a day. Then see how you feel and what your blood results are (particularly the TSH) at your next testing. If in the normal range, your doctor will probably cut the amount of your prescribed medication.

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