Taking Propranolol for Anxiety/Stress...complicated....
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Hi Im 27 and have been given propranolol for Anxiety/stress relief, been taking for about a week, I have also found that that I have tingling hands, and pain down my left arm/leg and slight chest pain. Its almost like I can feel the pressure of blood circulating through my arm or left leg. I tend to remove my watch and wedding ring becasue of the horrible feeling. I am a bit concerned as to whether or not I should continue with them. Also I go to gym and do lots of excersize, is this a problem?
A few years back I had an ECG and excercise test, for chest pains, but nothing was found to be wrong...
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I've also been taking P for just over a week for PND where I'm already experiencing irratibility so it's alarming to read that these tabs can have this as a side-effect!
I decided to stop them at night, taking them only during the day with very small dose ( i actually break the 5mg pill in 4 and take it 1/4 every 3-4 hours) usually need less in the morning and more in the evening.
I know they are not beta-blockant, but from what i understand all this stuff tent to make the heart and all the circulation system \"take it easy\"... and in some way the extremities suffer lack of blood cause they are the \"less important part\" of the body.
If i was you i'd reduce the dose and maybe \"spread\" it a bit more along the day.
The propranolol acts by slowing down ur heart rate. When we feel anxious/stressed, our hearts beat much faster, pumps the blood through our bodies. We can hyperventilate also (breathe very quickly). So less oxygen in the blood thats being pumped around. Which all adds towards that horrendous feeling of anxiety.
Think about what happens when we exercise. Heart beats faster, breathe more quickly...all similar yeah. Its possible, that ur exercise MAY be having an impact on the effect of the medication. How would you feel about taking a rest from it and see if there`s any difference? Couldn`t hurt to try, and if there`s no difference, then go back to ur GP...
Just a suggestion, but if its concerning u, then don`t hesitate to go back to ur GP.
Take Care & Best of Luck