Taking Sertraline, Will it get better?

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Hi I have been prescribed Sertraline for anxiety and depression. I have been taking it for two weeks now 50mg a day. now I have to take it twice a day 100mg. The side effects have been awful from the 50mg nausea dizziness, feeling disorientated, agitated you name it. I'm just worried how taking 100mg is going to affect me. ?

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4 Replies

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    Hi Clare, it does work be patient, I take 100mg sertraline and 50mg trazadona at night, I got the nausea and I stopped it taking stomach protectors in the morning. My probclem is now that i am having huge concentration problems, and sometimes people speak to me but I am not procesing one word they are saying, it makes my work very difficult... But I was so depressed, with anxaety getting worse everyday, and the head would not stop one minute of telling me things, awful things up to the point I could not cope. But after trying different mediction SERTRALINE stopped it, It works, the side effect I do not care as long as my head is quiet. It is worth it! Hope it puts your life on track, It changed mine I just could not cope anymore, a living night mare, I am now 2 month on and I have never been so well. I really hope it works for you lol There is another life for you waiting idea
  • Posted

    Initially I felt sicky and lightheaded taking 100mg sertraline, but doctor suggested taking at bedtime rather than during day and that put and end to me feeling sick. Even when dose was upped to 200mg at night I found I was ok. It helped to get my mood levels evened out, and helped with anxiety too

    Good luck

  • Posted

    I'd suggest you try a different medication or stick with the 50mg until you feel more normal. I have been very lucky with Sertraline, been taking it for a week now with almost no side effects - my anxiety seems to have gone and I am more confident than ever. I could feel the effects after just 3 days and by day 5 I felt amazing, I'm already not panicking about things that used to worry me and I'm volunteering to do some presentations at work - fingers crossed it continues, the doc said he may put me up to 100mg which I'm going to push for.
  • Posted

    Hi all, I am great since I take 100mg, I even felt high at some point at the beggining, and it has cured me, My anxaety stopped, my depression stopped, my head is quiet,.... the medictation has helped me to have a rest and to get stronger and then I will have to try to fly on my own after a few months, I have been now over 2 months, and now my mayor worry is the day I have to stop it. I beleve will try it after January 2014, and really I do not want to.... uffffff. but can not live depending on Sertraline forever... I am so scared to get like before... Sertraline helped me so much... before I use to take anything to stop my head and have some peace... now I am fine awake cheesygrin

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