Tamsulosin struggling to ejacultion
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I been taking these tablets for two days now and on the third day I feel horrible feels like I been out on a night out drinking feel terrible feel weak and woke up with a massive headace, after looking at the side affects of the tablets I masurtbated to see if I could ejacultad but couldn't the feeling was there but no semen which I am really worried because me and my wife haven't long had a baby and been thinking of trying for another one in a few months time
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alanatcroydon Stevoc23
As to "dry ejaculations", several of us on this board have experienced that. No commonality I think of solutions. For me, I don't take it any day when I am meeting up with my GF. It was distressing, initially, to get orgasm but no liquid. My partner was concerned until I read this is not uncommon. My route is not to take Tamulosin on those days.
james36638 Stevoc23
dave19275 Stevoc23
'Dry ejaculation' is a common side effect of Tamsulosin. The drug relaxes the smooth muscle around the bladder and prostate, so that when you ejaculate the muscle that normally closes the route back to the bladder stays relaxed and the ejaculate goes up into the bladder instead of the other way.
james36638 dave19275
Any suggestions should I stop taking it I really didn't have any symptoms other than the bloating and the intense pressure to have a bowel movement and I wasn't having any gas. I really haven't noticed that much of a change. I am not in your situation where I am married but I do like to pleasure myself at least once a day and it is kind of disapointing
dave19275 james36638