Tapering Duloxitene

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I've been taking Duloxetine 50gm BD for over 6 years now for Fibromyalgia, and have started to reduce the dose, having researched how everyone else has managed to do this I have devised my own plan, hopefully to make this decreased as painless/uncomfortable as possible.....Firstly I counted how many beads were in a 20mg capsule, I used slate to count them on, as it was much easier working on a dark background......There are approx 180 beads in a 20 mg capsule, so I decided to remove 20 beads from a months capsules bearing in mind I take them twice a day, so 60 capsules.

I started on my reduced doseage about 10 days ago, I only had 1 day where I felt very weak and wobbly, which was about 5 days into the new regime...I can definitely tell I've reduced the dose as my energy levels have reduced and I've felt a little strange in my solar plexus, however it is definitely lessening, and I'm able to live with this.

After 30 days of 20 bead reduction BD, I'm going to remove 40 beads for 30 days, then 60 beads for 30 days and so on......

I realise it is going to take maybe 18 months to 1 year to completely come off Duloxetine, however, I know I'm very sensitive to chemicals, and wanted to do this slowly, so I wouldn't be bedbound unable to move and needing care.


I hope this encourages anyone thinking about reducing their dose of Duloxetene, I will continue to write up my findings as and when...If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask <3>

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Good idea to reduce very gradually. I didn't and my doctor didnt seem to know it would be a problem. Since Ive been going thru such terrible and long withdrawal he is researching it in detail. I went off cold turkey from 120mg. I am in week 4 of withdrawal. It isnt fun. I still cant eat much, the stomach cramps feels like someone is twisting my gut with their hands, diarrhea for the whole time, have awful nightmares, and very angry right now. I will never go on cymbalta again and will resist going on anything else like it. The fibromylagia pain came back with a vengeance and is becoming more manageable. I've read on other blogs how bad the withdrawal symptoms can be and that it can take months to get through it. Good luck with your withdrawal process. Please remember tonsee a doctor should you feel sick or your mood changes. It needs to be monitored.
    • Posted

      Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear this Lori... Are you taking anything else for the Fibro pain? I'm reducing by such a small amount but can definitely feel the change, my head is mushy and pain has already got worse.... I'm really frightened about the unknown and whether I'll be able to endure the pain and illness which led me to be Px Duloxetine.....So did you go from 120mg to zero??? I hope your nightmare is soon over,it's so frightening that this drug is given without any thought of how anyone can reduce safely.... If I hadn't Googled it I wouldn't have even known about tapering beads 😟 if you need to talk don't hesitate hon x hope the sun soon shines for you x
    • Posted

      Thanks Jan. No one told me how toxic the drug was or I would have never taken it. I googled the withdrawal symptoms when mine became difficult to handle because I wasn't warned about that either. My dr had no idea how bad it could get. That being said he is now doing research and forewarning other patients going off the meds. About the pain...my pain meds actually work now that Im off the cymbalta. This is great news. I prefer being off the meds because they really block most normal human emotions. That's no way to live. Not for me anyway. I have done a few things to help the pain. I've cut out sugar for the most part. Also gave up coffee, chocolate and pop. I eat an orange when I need something sweet. Sugar increases inflammation so it adds to the pain. I drink water and tea. Some juice but right now it really bothers my stomach. I'm attempting clean eating to help improve my health. I've also noticed I have fewer headaches without the cymbalta. I suffer from chronic migraines so this has been a bonus. I think what I find most difficult is dealing with real feelings again. It's a struggle. Time is the only thing that will help. Hang in there and hopefully you're weaning process makes it alot easier.
    • Posted

      I know hon, it's scary, and I only went onto Duloxetine because I had put on weight with both Gabapentine & Pre Gabalin, and having a back injury was worried about the weight on my joints.

      Yes I must sort out eating cleanly too, when I have sugar, I stay awake most of the night, so that's my next step, it's just trying to remember everything, I could do with a PA just to remind me what, when and where!!

      Pleased you're feeling better Lori, it's going to be a long drawn out process for me, but I've noticed I've got really bad tempered in the past 2 weeks, and I've only reduced by 20 beads twice a day...Hope that evens out, cos not a good thing for me or my partner sad

      Take good care and speak soon...I'm off to UK for 5 weeks, so it will be interesting to see how I fair with family and children about. xx


    • Posted

      The bad temper seems to go with the withdrawal. I have had bouts of it too. I had to.go to my dr yesterday because while i can deal with the withdrawal symptoms the depression came back with a vengeance. He i trying me on pristiq now. I would prefer to be off all thw meds but it seems i cant be due to the deverity of the depression. I dont regret going off cymbalta. It its a very toxic medication. I have more energy and less severe headaches off it. The pain meds for the headaches actually work now. Good luck. Contact your dr if the symptoms get alot worse.

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