Tapering off Propranolol...help please
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Hello. Around 18 months ago I was diagnosed with Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. My heart pounding caused me to also have anxiety. My Dr. Put me on 30 mgs. Of Propranolol. I chose to cut one pill in half and take 25 mgs. It has made me sleepy, fatigued, and exhausted. What has bothered me the most is that I have gained weight. I have not changed my eating and exercise daily. I have called my Dr. and he said I could decrease my dose to 10 mgs. daily. I am now taking what I estimate to be 18 mgs propranolol per day. I shave the 2 pills back. I tried to shave more off tonight and my heartrate went to 122 and I felt jittery. Does anyone have recommendations on how to come off this medicine? My weight gain is really bothering me.
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susiebelle43 stefania1234
I just stopped and I was fine. I immediately went on a diet (I joined Slimming World) and started exercising and about 7 months later the weight was gone.
I had a slight heart problem about a year after and started suffering with extreme palpatations (which are hereditary in my family) for a time. I was referred to a cardiologist who recommended I go back on Propranalol but I refused. I chose instead to watch my diet and exercise a bit more which has helped at lot, and he was fine with my choice so long as I seek help if the palpatations came back.
I don't know if this helps you but I would see you doc about weaning off the drug if you are worried about other side affects. Good luck with it all, the weight gain is horrible espcially when you know you aren't eating badly :-(
stefania1234 susiebelle43
elsa88383 stefania1234
stefania1234 elsa88383