Tapering schedule for 2mg., in morning, and 2mg., in afternoon for diazepam

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I'm looking for help in setting up a tapering schedule for 4mg diazepam daily.  I've been taking 2mg., in morning and 2mg., mid afternoon for approx., 10 years for Meniere's disease.  I've been looking at Ashton Manual  but just can't seem to figure out a taper schedule.  Any suggestions/help will be appreciated.  Thanks

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lululinks.

    If instead of taking the 2mg in the morning, you could break the tablet in half so you're only taking 1mg. Then still take the 2mg in the afternoon. Do this until you feel comfortable at least 2-3 weeks, then split the 2mg tablet in the afternoon, so after a few weeks you'll only be taking 1mg in the morning and 1mg in the afternoon. I would continue this process until you feel you're ready to stop taking the 1mg in the morning.

    Then after another period of time ( and your body and mind will let you know when you're ready) to stop completely.

    You said you've been taking them for 10years, so easy does it, and if you have any support e.g. Close friends, family members, who you can talk to about how you're feeling will really help. If you feel you can't talk to someone close to you , you could try N\A , you definitely would get support there.

    I hope I've been a little help to you. I wish you the very best , and believe in yourself that you can do it. 🙏

    • Posted

      I am really feeling stuck and depressed at the thought of getting off this diazepam.  I know you have knowledge of this and would like to ask you if what you thought best for me.  I have just tapered off seven weeks ago from mirtazapine and the anxiety is not great.  

      I have 5mg diazepam at night for four years given for pain but dr never stopped it after surgery.  I also need 2mg in morning snd about 1mg in afternoon.  I have reas the Ashton Manual but once you get down below the level im at it is more difficult.

      i do know it will take a long time but i wondered if it is doable or am i stuck on this forever.  Maybe  i should try tapering the nightime one down very gently at first from 5mg to 4.5 and so on.  I still feel i need daytime ones as i get agitated.   I dont want to try any other anti depressants as they all,gave me bad side effects but im scared of tapering this diazepam as i see how bad people are on the facebook site and it frightened me.  Does nhs have clinics for detoxing from this?  The last girl i knew did it came down from 40mg in hospital but was fiven a cocktailof other meds instead.  Thats not the answer i want.  Any help appreciated.

    • Posted

      Hi Ann.

      I completely understand where you're coming from , it is a bit scary when you hear other people's experiences, but I myself and dozens more that I know have beaten these terrible tablets, so you can definitely DO IT...

      I don't know where you're from , so I don't know the services around you.

      I love in Dublin and there are detox center's that cater for benzo detoxing. Cuan - Dara. The Rutland, and a few more of you're paying privately.

      I think you definitely have the right idea in detoxing even 0.5 (half of 1mg) a week, really whatever you feel comfortable with, because it's not a race and your not on a high dose.

      If you detox properly the withdrawal symptoms are very minor.

      It's great that you know taking anti- depressants isn't the answer. I found that talking about my problem with benzos was a major factor in beating them .

      I was so broken by the benzos that I went to N/A , narcotics anonymous and found dozens of people in the same situation or worse than me.

      I hope I've been of some help, I know it's hard but it's so worth it.

      Take care and best wishes.

  • Posted

    Hi there, since your dosage is not so big to start with, it should not to be too difficult to get rid of the medication. If you are taking the 2 mg tablets, why just not cut them to halves, so one mg at a time for a couple of weeks. I was on a lose dose for 20 years and I had actually no difficulties in getting rid of those. One day I just stopped. Told my doctor afterwords and she said: Well, you werent at a high dose, so there should not be any problems.

    But, we are all different and some are more affected than others. At least it doesnt hurt to try to go down to a 2 mg per day dose, or try a 2.5 mg dose. You will be fine!

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi l think you should reduce your morning dose by 0.5mgs to start with.As diazepam has a long half life stay on that dose for at least 3 weeks.l know you are on a low dose however you have been on it a long time.See how you are after 3 weeks and if you are ok do the same with your afternoon dose.lf you can go faster that's great if you need to go slower that's ok too.Just keep moving forward it doesn't matter how long it takes you.Also you will get more advice on tapering on the benzo buddies web site.

  • Posted

    2mg is a small quantity,  skip two mornings to start for two weeks or more,   Your body will tell you.   Not consecutive days.  Once you can work with that anf feel ready skip another day.   Slowly but surely.   It isnt easy so take your time smile

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