Tarsal tunnel syndrome
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Hello I have tarsal tunnel syndrome which was diagnosed by a nerve conduction test. I go back to see my foot and ankle surgeon in three weeks
Does anyone else have this syndrome? If so how was it treated. So far all i know is mine is coursed by bruising and possibly a fracture of an old injury.
The stabbing pain i get is at times is unbearable lasts only for a few seconds its like some one has stabbed me in the foot with a hot sharp blade and electrocuted at the same time. Also have tingling in my feet muscle spasms leading up to my knee all the time but more noticeable with online in bed at night. Any one have this? thank you
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Patientholland deborah751
However, I was told that steroid injections are the mode of treatment
I hope yours gets treated to enable your recovery
deborah751 Patientholland
I will keep you informed.
I was diagnosed 4 yrs ago, but then they didn't seem to think that was the problem that was causing the horrific stabbing pain.
So i was sent to a pain clinic and given amitriptyline, radiofrequency ablation, also steroid injections at the area of the stabbing pain. they thought it was a damaged sural nerve. No wonder nothing has worked!!
So pain clinic referred me back to an ankle and foot consultant. This is where i am at present waiting for my next appointment.
Patientholland deborah751
What about acupuncture !
deborah751 Patientholland
But That is a good idea!
Thanks xx
Patientholland deborah751
Burnfeet deborah751
You manage to find any relief with your Symptoms yet!! I’m on gabepentin now and also being sent to a neurologist! Still suffering :-(
valotte deborah751
deborah751 valotte
Thanks for replying.
I am just off to ankle and foot consultant I will let you know what he says and suggests.
valotte deborah751
I haven't known anyone but myself with TTS. I'm curious what your dr says. Do let me know!
deborah751 valotte
Consultant says i have very severe tarsal tunnel syndrome but he doesn't know if it's caused by compression or it's a damaged nerve. To find out which oneit is causing the problem he is going to inject along the side of the tibia nerve with steroid. If this works it means its compressed which he can operate on easily. But if it doesn't work it means I've got a damaged nerve what's your need cutting out but it comes along with a lot of complications and can make them matter worse
These are my systoms
pins and needles all over foot
Twitching of muscles in foot ankle and calf
Excruciating intermittent stabbing pain like somebody has stabbed you in the foot with a scalpel knife that's red hot and electrified.
back of heel pain.
right side pain in foot at times when walking.
Do you have any of these symptoms? If so which ones?
what kind of operation are you having?
TTS is very rare so we must be special lol x
valotte deborah751
I like your comment about being special
Your consultant sounds right on from what I've learned. I had the injection and it didn't work. My foot was so numb after injection that I needed crutches because it felt too wierd. Don't plan anything the rest of the day after you have it. The surgery is tarsal tunnel release and I fear nerve damage.
I had been having some calf pain for awhile and one day I reached up to turn the radio on and I couldn't stand on the ball of my foot. Intense foot cramping, heel and calf pain. Did alot of ice and rest as no doctor could agree what was going wrong. I have been through 4 types of physical therapy and my calf calmed down. Consistent achy pain in heel, the tingling drives me batty, and stabbing pain throughout foot and ankle with no consistent pattern. Wearing a cam walker has helped alot, but dr says I can't wear the walker forever. I have tried all conservative therapy - with no relief and I am sensitive to meds. Currently nortriptyline has helped some with pain, lots with depression that's gone with it. Do keep me posted on your progress!
deborah751 valotte
O dear am sorry to here its nerve damage. A little bit more difficult to operate on. i am hoping mine isn't, but have this feeling it most probably is.
May i ask you to explain the stabbing pain in a little more detail that you get? , like the area of the foot? and 1 out of 10 pain level? does it come on when your least expecting it? Do you feel burning?, does it feel like electric shock?
I ask as i have never felt pain like it in my life. Also i didn't realise the body could produce such unbearable pain. I passed out once with it. I scream at the top of my voice and beg it to stop! it even makes my throat sore, and if anybody is around me they go into shock.
it only lasts for a few seconds. I've had to give up my profession because of it.
They give me amitriptyline 50 milligrams at night, it has reduced the pain level from 10 to a 8. Some times I could go for weeks and months without it happening. Then BOOM!
When this happens i take diazepam and wrap my foot with a bandage tightly, then take a extra amitriptyline then it doesn't go off again, but I don't want to have to take diazepam regularly. only the amitriptyline is what i take regularly. I was also given gabapentin but I didn't like taking the two together.
I am in a boot at the moment for 3 months, But thats for my other foot I've lost stability in my fibula joint. Am also waiting to see my knee surgeon. I have had 2 total knee replacement. My latest one I have just been diagnosed with hamstring tendonitis so i have a splint for that till i see what management plan my consultant has for me.
i see my GP tomorrow am going to ask for a boot on my tarsal tunnel syndrome foot. That way i will not be walking on a limp and putting pressure on my back and also on my knees. ouch!
Oh my goodness I have waffle on.😂It's just a relief to find somebody that has the same problem. i want to give u a big HUG! 🙌
valotte deborah751
I am sorry you are dealing with this pain too. And a big hug back to you!
deborah751 valotte
I had cortisone injections at the place of the stabbing pain with out a scanner to show them where exactly the nerve was. which didn't help... As resent studies say that a injection into the nerve can course more damage. And also had radiofrequency ablation again with out guidance.
Omg totally understand how horrid the pins and needles and muscle twitching and cramps are. still having them.. and at times have lost all sensation of my leg. Been tested for MS to! If it wasn't for my New pain doctor( as my old one left ) recommending for me to see a foot and ankle specialist. As he noticed on my notes 4 yrs ago after having a nerve conduction test that noted i have TTS. I would be still treated for the wrong nerve. I have seen 3 foot and Ankle consultants over time. 1 sat back in his chair and said nothing i can do! The second sent me to a podiatrist 4 insoles which I wore for 2 days and ended up having plantar fascitis.
So 3rd time lucky... but I think that is because over time ankle and foot specialist are now more informed of the condition.
Hope all goes well for your op....keep me updated we are Warriors! 👍 and special 😂
Big hug..xx
valotte deborah751
deborah751 valotte
I have other leg foot and Ankle problems as you know. I was taken to A&E yesterday because i was loosing feeling in my legs and in a lot of pain. they stuck me in a tiny wheel chair. Was not offered any pain relief nor a trolly and put in a room full of people and told me i had a 2 hour wait. I couldn't handle it. so got someone to pick me up and send me home. Now waiting this morning for my doctor to ring as need a assessment..... I try and help my friends and others with health issues that dont have the strength to voice there concerns. I am truly disgusted on how they have been treated, should say NOT been treated ...but not surprised.
I have worked as a paramedic physiotherapist assistant and community care. So i know when someone is not getting the care they need.
Of course you are nervous you wouldn't be normal if you were not. And the specialist truly understands this. Yes in any operation there are risks, But the benefit of success outweighs this, otherwise he wouldn't do the op. I find drinking Camomile tea helps with nerves .. also paracetamol.
Both of us will get through this without a doubt. we have found one anouther to help each other through this battle. Thankyou to Patients website.
I am waiting for a letter to tell me of my next appointment date. i will let you know.
Do you live in the UK?
Are NHS is falling apart.
Am so sorry you have so many battle scars to the point it has changed you as a person in the last 2 years. Life sure does hold its challenges!!
I am planning in starting a help line for TTS but i don't think i will be getting many calls as its so rare 😂😂
Love to you and loads of hugs
kimmy xx