Taste and tongue issues
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I know burning mouth is a big thing in peri and menopause but has anyone had their taste completely go away for a week at a time and their tongue feel numb or even tingly/fluffy like when numbness is wearing off? It is so strange and horrible especially not being able to taste salty or sweet stuff. When my taste does this i can literally lick salt off of my hand and taste nothing!! This symptom has been going on for 3 years! No end in sight from this hell!
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susane84679 Guest
hi brandy,
I sometimes have the feeling of a swollen tongue but have not had the problem of not tasting. I have noticed that sometimes when I'm eating something the taste is muted, like bland with no seasoning if that makes sense? however, I have lost most of my ability to smell things. if the scent is not strong then I can't smell it. the Joy's of hormones huh?
Guest susane84679
Sounds about right and yes that does make sense cause i complain of the same thing like fir instance if i eat curly fries from arbys i can get a hint of french fry flavor but no seasoning! and yes my smell is messed up too, very dull now. Angers me to no end
sally15609 susane84679
OMG Suzane yesterday was the first time i experienced the swollen dry tongue feeling. Sent me in a panic and gave me an attack. I tried to swallow but couldn't had to force down water. What really got me mad was a friend of mine said it was all in my head. She is no longer my friend. So sick of people who think i am either crazy or making this stuff up. I prefer to be alone and get through this. So glad to know that someone has experienced this. Thank God for this forum.
Gigi368 Guest
omg! I'm not losing my mind! Mine started about 3 weeks ago. Feels like someone put a clothes iron on it some days, other days it feels furry but nothing there and a rotten taste most of the time. I can still taste just fine but my whole mouth feels raw! I even went to urgent care thinking maybe I was getting thrush, nope every thing checked out ok. My taste buds are swollen if that's what you call it, other than that I cant see anything wrong! Chewing gum is the only thing that gives me any relief for a short time.
Guest Gigi368
Thank god it isnt just me! I have been worrying for years about this i even thought i had candida cause my tongue turns white alot of the time. So i went to the dentist and he is even stumped he said its not thrush or candida!
elaine62759 Guest
I used to have this with burning mouth syndrome issue. My tongue used to feel totally numb like I'd had an injection at the dentist and my mouth was dry all the time. It used to totally stress me out!!! I was told to avoid toothpaste containing SLS and avoid spicy foods. Alcohol also made it (and my hot flushes worse) so I cut that out. Try drinking plenty water and chewing gum to keep your mouth moist. On a more positive note my mouth problems have gradually improved a lot from what they were so hopefully it's just another annoying symptom and will pass in time for you too. Good luck!
Guest elaine62759
That makes me a little hopeful! I wish all of the symptoms would go away, im praying that once i get through complete menopause they will or at least lessen up a great deal!
Lisaippie Guest
yes I've had the burning tongue and mouth thing for about 2 years now , it gets some better at times and some days are horrible, and some days food taste horrible or has no taste at all its something new everyday its so annoying
lisa65434 Guest
Yes, I have had this! I tell you I used this website a long time ago and it helped and now I am back - I have not had a period in 5 years! I am 54yrs and was finally feeling normal, but lately I have had different symptoms so maybe this is phase two..ugh! Anway I do have that same sensation, I have tingling on my tongue any part of it and sometimes I do feel like it is somewhat swollen as if I am having a slight allergic reaction and it even makes me have trouble talking ...it is a very weird. I too, mentioned it to my MD my B-12 and D3 are very low and I read that low B-12 can cause the tongue tingling and stuff so I have been taking supplements - Hang there!!
Guest lisa65434
UGH i know this is awful! Along with the nausea and loss of taste it makes it so to eat anything at all! Some of us poor ladies have been put through hell and thats awful that you were feeling good for a bit and now your on a round 2! That is good info about the vitamins. I drink the high protein vitamin drink boost daily but i may need to add the B supplement to it.