Teenage Boy... Maybe IBS?

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Hi everyone, first post here, so please be kind.

I'm a sixteen year old male. About a year ago, one day I felt really ill in my stomach. Terrible terrible stomach pain.

While the intensity subsided, I have been somewhat bloated and constipated ever since. I went to see a GI, who took a scan of me.

They found nothing wrong - just an abnormally large amount of stool backed up in my system. The doctor gave me some probiotics which did not help.

The doctor was very lackadaisical about the whole thing. He suggested that it might be IBS. I asked him if, in that case, it would be a lifelong condition, and he dismissively said that in males of my age, IBS is usually self limiting and will go away

Since then, I've been struggling with this gassy feeling. A few months ago, I began farting & burping abnormally to make matters worse.

Does anyone know of a way to reduce this gas?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi john81678

    Pay attention to what you are eating. Keep a food diary of what you eat each day and see if certain foods cause your problem. If it does emerge that certain foods are the problem then simply don't eat them. Also, note what you are drinking..it maybe you have developed an intolerance to certain ingredients in foods such as gluten and wheat. Keep the food and drink diary and see what emerges..,

  • Posted

    Hi john

    Forgot to mention, to stick to healthy diet no junk that may cause constipation...

  • Posted

    For gas relief take simethicone anti-gas tablets. No prescription needed.

  • Posted

    How many times do you fart per day? would you say its constantly and you hold farts in public almost all the time?

  • Posted

    There is a cereal called Quaker simply granola, it comes ion almond and raisin, I prefer the almond, but for whatever reason if you eat a couple cups of it one evening, the next day gas will pour out of you, so make sure you are home that day, it may take a day or 2 but no more then that. It is really weird but others have tried it and it does the same thing. It seems like this is the only thing that works for me. There are also charcoal capsules you can take and many find good relief with these, just make sure that if you are taking any kind of medication you talk to the pharmacist about how to space it apart as the charcoal absorbs the gas as well as the medications. The charcoal capsules will also reduce the smell of the gas.

  • Posted

    Also if you continue to have these issues a return visit may be warranted, or even a diff doc.

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