Teeth and jaw aches

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Hi Ladies,

Has anyone had random teeth start aching at all or their jaw ?  I have tried to look this up as a symptom and it does seem strangely that it’s quite common. They also seem far more sensitive lately. Is there no end to this madness ?  Thanks in advance 😘 x

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I have this Debbie. Occasionally back teeth but usually jaw. I think it’s TMJ tension caused my anxiety. I’ve been doing stretches that do seem to help. Good luck! 
  • Posted

    OMG yes!! Aching, nerves jangling, sensitive sad( what has helped a lot though is wearing a gum shield at night as I'm sure I was clenching my jaw! Worth a try smile

    • Posted

      Hi Lucy,

      Thanks for replying.  I wondered if it might be tha, but my jaw seems a little off and only my back teeth now meet.  It’s one of my front ones that seems to ache . . I’ve had it on and off for a good few weeks ? It was fine yesterday so I’m hoping and praying it can’t be serious xx

    • Posted

      That’s exactly what I have - an overbite, but back teeth do come together. Every now and then my front top teeth with be sore and I’ll know I must have been grinding my teeth the night before. Almost always happens when I’m stressed. 
    • Posted

      Hi Terri,

      Thank you for your reply.  I hope you’re right because to say I’m terrified of the Dentist is an understatement 😢 it’s almost like where the top of my tooth and gum meets is an ache and maybe sensitive ? I hope it goes because it’s making me have even worse anxiety than normal xx

  • Posted

    Yes..  My dentist told me he could tell I was grinding my teeth.  I bought a nightguard and sometimes that thing is clenched in my mouth when I wake up.    
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly,

      Thanks for your reply. I’m glad it’s not just me anyway.  I will look into a night guard xoxo

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    I don’t get the jaw ache but I do get the teeth aching. It comes and goes, weird!

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy,

      Thank you for replying.  It s reasuring to hear others have it as well.  These hormones seem to affect just about everything don’t they ?  Have a good day.


  • Edited

    Hi Debbie

    I have never posted about this before because somehow got over it but i went through a period of time (2 yrs) whereby i had super sensitive aching teeth to the point that i thought i would get them all pulled (not really but close)

    I was during perimenopause (i was clueless at the time) and it was really debilitating. I was also grinding my teeth in my sleep.

    So maybe firs rule out that you don't grind your teeth and or have TMJ, Then you can assume its perimenopause or basically the hormones which i never in a million years would have thought.


    • Posted


      Thanks very much for replying.  That’s reassuring to know.  Have to admit it was starting to worry more, which is something I definitely don’t need !  I tried to search it and it does mention it can happen in pregnancy as well.  These bloody hormones have a a lot to answer for.  I don’t think I’m grinding them to be honest.


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    Yes teeth aches and sensitivity but it did pass x
    • Posted


      Thank you for your reply.  Did it last a while ? It’s been over a week now and my anxiety has gone though the roof !! I keep thinking it must something more, then thinking OMG hope I haven’t got an infection, I hate the Dentist ! I did go a few weeks ago to get them cleaned and to be honest my mouth hasn’t felt right since xxx

  • Edited

    Hi Debbie, I frequently experienced jaw pain before starting hrt patches (Evorelle) this helped and I was surprised as I hadn't connected the jaw pain with menopause symptoms. Im 51 and been using patches for 15 months now. They have changed my life. I felt so ill and angry and tearful all the time. I believe that there's a large nerve in your head (think it's called trigeminal nerve) that can become inflamed with hormones changes at peri menopause.

    • Posted

      Thank you very much for your reply.  I’m not on HRT but it sounds like it’s been fab for you.

      I hadn’t heard of that nerve before ? Sounds interesting and a possible cause ?

      Deb x

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