Temple headaches..
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Hi everyone.. Anyone else experiencing temple migraine headaches on one side? I've been getting them on my left side only, always in the same exact spot, piercing .. Starts out about a 3 to 4 on a scale of 10, and increases to a 10 by end of day, need to lay in the dark in misery tossing and turning all night! I'm so fed up because I just came off of one about a week ago with dizzy and nausea and here its back today, hasn't even been 30 days which usually is the cycle for it.. Also smells bother me and lights really bad , has intensified!! Anyone else ??? What helps, how often and how long do you get them for?? Help!!! sick and tired of suffering...
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Pra_Adoni Gypsy014
right now I am having one such headache...kind of a 4. I usually dont get headaches, but when I do, I just have to go lie down and try to sleep.
This one seem to have come up quite suddenly. I got a new moisturizer yesterday which is lightly perfumed. I think its the perfume that brought this headache on. This is surprising as I am not allergic to smells at all...
Hope this smell sensitivity is only momentary for us both!
littleme1969 Gypsy014
Hi yes.. this is how peri started for me really bad 18 months ago.. Migraines just like you describe that no tablets of any kind will touch, would even wake up with them. I had pretty much constant headaches with weekly migraines for about 9 months
. My doctor said its quite common in menopause and you are way more likely to get them if you had them at puberty which i did. Also had the chronic light sensitivity and smells also just the same. 18 months on now and things have settled somewhat .. though they have returned but not as bad as my periods have stopped yet again 4 months now without one. Hang in there it does get better. CBD oil and vape does help a bit take the edge of but like you the only thing i could do was try and sleep it off.
karen66219 Gypsy014
Good Evening Gypsy,
What you are describing sounds like a classic migraine. I have only had a few in my life, but I know women who get them weekly. I honestly do not know how they function. The ones that I have had put me in bed. I did notice that putting an ice pack on my head did help. The thing about migraines though, even after they are gone, you don't feel quite right afterwards. At least that has been my experience.
I believe that they now make over the counter migraine medication. You know, the pain relievers made specifically for migraine. I do not know how effective they are, but it couldn't hurt to try. If that does not work, I would definitely see a dr. I know they have medication they can prescribe you. Functioning with this on a weekly basis must be horrible. You have my sympathy, for what it's worth.