Ten days out...

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Today is day 24! I’m finding is that in order for me to have one good day where I might walk halfway around our tiny little community. I have two really bad days - hot stabbing pain, stiffness, & swelling to a point where all I do is sit (ALL DAY)! Back on my pain meds. (hate them)! Feeling a little down.

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7 Replies

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    First... A TKR recovery is NOT linear in nature. There are advances, setbacks and plateaus. All are normal and to be seen that way.

    Second... TKR walking for time or distance is irrelevant. It's the STEPS that put the load on your knee. Get a pedometer with software so you can track your steps every day. Increase gradually. Pain and especially swelling is the knee telling you that you did to much that day. Back off, recover and then restart at a smaller number. It did 8,200+ steps at 5 weeks and paid for it with a huge balloon knee. Learned my lesson. I was doing 11,000 steps at 8 months. LISTEN TO THE KNEE!!!

    Third... You CANNOT push a knee to recovery like a hip. I've had both. I tried pushing the knee and ran right into a brick wall. See "Second", above.

    Fourth... Post-Op Depression is absolutely a common side effect of a TKR (or the loss of any original part of you) that docs NEVER talk about. Once you know what it is, kick it out the door and focus on the work you have to do. POD

    Fifth... You need to be working on your ROM right now. Once you are close to 0 / +120 and a bit further healed, you will need to rebuild all the supporting musculature to take the load off the knee and put it back on the muscles where it belongs. This makes you walk correctly, regains your balance and allows you to do stairs alternately up and down again. Muscle Rebuild

    Lastly... Give up all your expectations, comparisons and timetables...they only screw with your head. The knee...and ONLY the knee...controls your recovery which typically takes a full year. Accept it...own it, because everyone is different.. Time, work and patience are your tools.

    Click on my name, Discussions and See All. There's about 30 out there on a whole range of topics. I hope they help.

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    give your body time to recover. once your in therapy and moving a little easier it all comes in stages.

    its not easy, sometimes it takes a lot of patience ice and rest and a couple good chocolate bars/ icecream treats. the best help for energy are protein drinks. we need extra calories for healing. progress is slow at first and after the first 6-8 weeks it starts to all come together and soon you will be dancing .

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    This is something that will take TIME and prayer. You can NOT RUSH IT. One day at a time and, much, much, much patience. You have a foreign part in your body that it has to adapt to and you have to adapt to. With PT, time and patience along side good common sense you'll be just fine. If you give yourself time and don't overdo it every thing will be absolutely awesome. Although I do have the horrible tourniquet pain occasionally in my thighs I've been very blessed to have bi lateral replacements at the same time.

    If I had to do it now I would still have them both done at the same time. Because of my situation with medications once was the best choice.

    I did well recovering and my knees are fine. You don't have to walk halfway the community just yet listen to your body. Just take it easy you'll get there after while. Many blessings

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    This is very early days. I had TKR 7 years ago and was told it would be a year before I began to feel the benefit.

    Hang in there.

    Are you going to physiotherapy?

    Take care and keep in touch


  • Posted

    I have PT three days a week. My therapist is good he pushes me to just the right point. I just wish someone had told me in advance of my surgery all of these things I should’ve expected. This chat room has been very helpful in understanding where I’m at and where I’m going.

  • Posted

    I have PT three days a week. My therapist is good he pushes me to just the right point. I just wish someone had told me in advance of my surgery all of these things I should’ve expected. This chat room has been very helpful in understanding where I’m at and where I’m going.

  • Posted

    I have PT three days a week. My therapist is good he pushes me to just the right point. I just wish someone had told me in advance of my surgery all of these things I should’ve expected. This chat room has been very helpful in understanding where I’m at and where I’m going.

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