Tender sore breasts.
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Hi ladies,
my breasts have been very tender and sore on and off since September?
to the point that it's been uncomfortable wearing a bra! So I've simply not wore one
is it normal to have them feel so uncomfortable
like this? When I have had to wear a bra I've only managed an hour and that's at a push!??.
i have no lumps or bumps and I'm seeing my GP Tom but just wondered if this is normal?
to be honest I've never had an issue with my breasts as well I haven't really got any!.
do u suffer with tender sore breasts? Is it usuall for them to go this long at being so tender?
i naturally thought it was just a run up to a period that became like this? Not this long over4 weeks?
thanks all.
1 like, 39 replies
michelle_79406 Shelly0069
I have had this problem a few times. At one stage I began to think I was pregnant as the were sore for so long. And i don't really have any.
kerry_89290 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly I am 49 and always suffered with tender breasts along with sharp pains and itching and burning period related and menopausal 😩😩been doctors she said it can be hormones but I'm at breast clinic tomorrow I had enough I want to but my mind at ease now has I have had a burning sensation in my armpit as well xxx good luck with everything xxx
maisie05 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly.
I find my breasts are more tender when I'm at my heaviest weight like now! I've put a little weight on since starting the hrt patches. I feel like I did when I was younger on the contraceptive pill.
I've perfected the art of removing my bra from under my clothes when I've been out and can't wait to get it off in the car!
I like wearing the comfort bra tops when at home, no fastenings or wires. Like a soft sports top. From Asda or Debenhams.
Has this started since you began the hrt patches?
Shelly0069 maisie05
Hi maise,
they have been uncomfortable to the point of NOT wearing a bra,
BUT YES since starting I've noticed them feeling fuller, around the edges they are tende?
is this to do with the HRT? I'm at the point that I most defiantly couldn't wear a bra!!...
maisie05 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly
Yes I think the HRT does have something to do with the breast tenderness, I've definitely noticed an increase in size and sensitivity since starting the patches. Maybe try a bigger cup size if you need to wear a bra. I have a few different sizes in my drawer for when my weight fluctuates.
When I think back to my younger days when I used to pray for a bigger bust! I used to be a 32A and now need 36D sometimes 38! They just get in the way like my ever growing tummy, yeuk.
At least the present plumpness is helping to fill the face wrinkles, you've got to find the bright side of life!
Take care x
looloo43 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 looloo43
I've only been on HRT for 3 weeks, and maise yes I've tried a bigger cup size yesterday, and was ok for few hours........
wondering if ill be ok with a maternity bra!! Cause that's how my breast feel.....lol
maisie05 Shelly0069
maisie05 Shelly0069
Google and read the benefits of chaste berry, it's quite interesting. Breast tenderness is mentioned, and hot flushes
I think I'll look out for the tea, it may help and hopefully tastes good x
Shelly0069 maisie05
I hope there is somthing else!
i don't drink either tea or coffee,
we'll have to do some research...... I'm bk to wk thur/sat ( been off 5weeks had an op) so I have to wear a bra, bloody heck if my buttons popped I'd give the lads a startle........heeeee.
but I do need somthing just wondering if M&S if I could goto the bra section and get measured and get a commfy fitted bra? Maybe a Maternity bra.....
pie do wonder if anyone does wear one?
looloo43 Shelly0069
2chr2015 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly, yes I have this. It was really bad for a couple of months and now has settled somewhat. I think mine was in relation to estrogen dominance or lack of progesterone. I've tried several things to help so I can't be sure which one helps the most. But, I started taking vitamin E. stress/anxiety makes it worse...so deep breathing seems to help if I feel it. (Sounds weird I know) , but in doing my research on it, I think there is a relationship between the stress, cortisol, and progesterone. I've also made a conscious effort to avoid any meat that isn't organic or anything that has hormones added to it. I don't mean this to sound complicated, but they hurt so bad I was trying anything to help. After wearing underwires my whole life, I gave those up too. I hope you get some relief. How long have you been in peri?
Jokey Shelly0069
and sore breasts when I was still having periods but thank goodness since I
have stopped having them this has gone away. Are you still getting periods?
I have larger breasts. I am now suffering from soreness under my breasts
caused by my bra I think ( never happened before menapause ) really terrible.
I use a cream but It keeps coming back. Any one else getting this?
kerry_89290 Jokey
Hi jokey I to have a cream I use off the doctors it helps a little I to have big breasts and menopausal I am at breast clinic in the morning to make sure nothing more is going on I pray it's nothing sinister xx good luck
Jokey kerry_89290
before. Good luck at the breast clinic I am sure it is just this dreaded
menapause, but the worry is horrid. Are you having a mammogram? Thinking
Of you. Let us know how you get on☺☺
kerry_89290 Jokey
I expect either that or ultrasound I gad a manual breast test by doctors said she was not concerned but as I suffer anxiety it's my piece of mind 😱Thank you so much 😊 😘
2chr2015 Jokey
2chr2015 kerry_89290
Hi Kerry. I have so much empathy for you right now. I went through this earlier this year. I have a lot of health anxiety also. I was a wreck. How old are you?
I will be praying for you!🙏 Let us know how it goes
Jokey 2chr2015
I have found remedies for just about all of these menapause symptoms
myself and trust me I have had most of them. Myhusband has been a tower of strength. Hormones are
deffinatly the culprit.
I have heard that Evening primrose is good for this, I have high blood pressure
and am very limited to what I can take, it might be worth a try for you. I know how
horrible this is and I think it will subside once your period stops. What age are you?
I hope you have someone to sympathise (you always have us). Hope it helps.
Kind regards☺
2chr2015 Jokey
Hi jokey. My husband doesn't understand, but he is awesome anyways. I am 44. I never got around to trying the epo bc they settled down after I started the vitamin E. One other thing I did is get a lymphatic massage. I did it twice when it got really bad bc I felt like everything on the left side was so swollen. I think it helped a little.
Jokey 2chr2015
Hi, you probably have a way to go yet but it will probably settle down
in a while, I did find that it was likely to come and go. When mine
we're at the worst I really found them unbearable to touch but it will
stop, hopefully sooner, rather than later for you. I am glad you have
a great husband and he might understand more as time goes on as
mine has (he reckons he is going through the manapause)!😁😁
Try the Evening p rimrose and get a soft bra (if you need one). Will
Probably be settled by next month.
Take care and keep in touch?
looloo43 Jokey
Manapause - i love that - very funny lol