Tender spot under left ribs
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has anyone experienced tenderness on left side under ribs ? I noticed a tender spot under my ribs at the start of my PMR journey but it comes and goes so didn't think much of it at the time and severe PMR pain seemed to take over everything else however it seems to have returned. Any thoughts welcome x
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whitefishbay Handbrake
Handbrake whitefishbay
Tastyron Handbrake
Hope you are not in too much pain but having painful areas in the body is just something we all have to get used to I suppose.
Handbrake Tastyron
margaret22251 Handbrake
Handbrake margaret22251
margaret22251 Handbrake
Take care
Handbrake margaret22251
margaret22251 Handbrake
Hope you are well. Take care
EileenH Handbrake
MPS is caused by the same inflammatory substances that cause PMR - except they are concentrated in trigger points in the form of hardened spasmed muscle fibres in the muscles which can be felt as hard knots. In PMR the inflammatory substances are systemic, that means throughout the body. The trigger points occur in pairs, on either side of the spine, in the shoulder muscles, about rib level and in the low back. In all of them there are nerves running close by and the inflammation/hardened muscle fibres can irritate the nerves or the spasmed muscles can pinch them leading to referred pain - into upper arms and neck, into the ribs or in the low back and legs (as sciatica there). It doesn't have to be both sides, often one side is worse than the other.
Good physiotherapists and sports massage therapists can identify them and use a manual mobilisation technique to disperse the hard areas - which for us may make us feel as if we are having a flare as the inflammatory substances are released into the blood stream by the technique but it usually subsides after a few days. It is also possible to inject steroids into the area of the trigger spot which combats the inflammatory substances more directly.
I, and a few others, have found Bowen therapy can help a lot (doesn't help the PMR itself) and a few of us have also benefitted from a technique called needling but how easy it is to find in the UK I don't know. It is available in the US.
Handbrake EileenH
marthatidbit Handbrake
So, yes, tenderness. Almost like a bruise, except I have no visible bruising. Just tender to the touch. Across my ribs. Tues and Wed of this week the tenderness was base of skull, neck, shoulders, upper back and ribs. That has mostly disappeared, now just ribs. Although I'm also having achiness in the rib area. I'll be interested to see what Dr says.
Handbrake marthatidbit
EileenH marthatidbit
margaret22251 EileenH
marthatidbit EileenH