Tenth week mark for tkr.

Posted , 6 users are following.

I read these posts for encouragement. My experience has been 4 surgeries in two years on the right knee. Due to an injury, first was an attempted maniscus repair. Doc suggested a partial replacement which in my experience no easier than a full

My bones were so small the replacement took 4 hours , tbey could not find the right size. The knee never worked right and after a year and a half, doc went in to find severe arthritis where I didn't have any previous. So, I am now healing a full replacement. The hardest part of this is the mind, I was a very healthy active 58 yr old. I am now sedentary and 60. I know it is a matter of patience, the dr had the proper size, he said, the smallest one they make. This site gives me hope. Yesterday I walked to our barn, the first tI'm in a couple of years. Had to ice and deal with soreness but I'm very looking forward to walking again.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Well done. Keep going, baby steps. It's a long slow recovery for some of us. I'm 18mnths post op & still got problems, tho I can walk on the flat, not so good on hills or stairs. Had loads of tests for poss infection but nothing. Consultant jus says keep going & ill see you again in 6mnths! Such fun!

  • Posted

    So sorry Leslie to hear what you have been through, this operation has made me feel exactly like you and I didn't have 4 surgerys like you....I was relative active too even though osteoarthritis in knee was a bit of a drawback, I never knew it would take this long to recover...I had my op 21st June, must be 14 weeks ago by now, I'm sitting a lot more now and miss my active life...I find myself cancelling some outings because it's just not worth the effort, the soreness afterwards, can't wait to feel "normal" again...thats a great start to walk to the barn congrats, keep it up.......

    Oh by the way I'm 60 too since May, chin up and we will make it someday soon.I hope 🙄

    • Posted

      Hope things are easing up for you Rosemary. It's slow progress but I'm gaining with what I can do. A few months from now we will be so much better. I'm enjoying a stack of books.

  • Posted

    Hi lesley it's still early days but try & make yourself get active. The more you sit around, the more it'll stiffen up & the longer it'll take to recover. Take your painkillers & force yourself to get up & do things. I'm 18mnths on & still got some problems & under consultant again, but I can walk for several miles without pain, just stiffens up a little. Get up & try & do things. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

  • Posted

    what a journey, well done, big well done, to you. sorry to hear its been so hard.

    its not an easy journey but as long as you are patient and kind to yourself and keep looking forwards you will be fine.

    if you go to my profile there is info to help you locate my own knee story if want an extended insight into another person's experience.

    im not on this site so much now... 20 months post op. so very grateful to be mobile again. such a blessing. every month goes by and I thank God and all those concerned who helped me get where I am now.

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