Terrible anxiety everyday anxiety health anxiety

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Hi all

little back story, ive suffered with anxiety as far back as i can remember to be honest, im a 33 year old bloke, its mainly health anxiety but it can range to just being generally anxious for no reason what so ever, kinda just wake up and see how im feeling that morning to determine how the days gunna pan out, you kind of get a sense when its a constant struggle if u get what i mean how the days gunna be, i have a range of physical symptom's basically all the same ones that everyone has spoken about in this thread and probably lots of different ones aswell, plus alot of mental and emotionl symtoms to go along with it, ive been on mirtazapine 45mg 30mg and now im on 15mg and to be honest none of the strengths have done alot for me and now personally i feel like its doing nothing at all, now ive tried sertraline and thats one drug i would never try again it sent me completely down hill it was horrendous, so now im really scared to try any more ssri, i have been perscribed diazepam a few times and obviously thats a life saver, but its not for ever that one isit which is a shame, so my question is basically is there any more medications i could try without going down the ssri route that could help me with my anxiety and symtoms any help and suggestions would be great thanks

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3 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Tom,

    I could have written your post myself. Sertraline was absolutely awful for me, I thought I was loosing my mind on it plus I had burning skin and pain in my jaw. I'm on Mirt too, it doesn't give me side effects but it's also not been too effective for my health anxiety, it does help me sleep though.

    Another medication I have been given for anxiety, which is not an ssri nor a benzo is Gabapentin. It is used as an anti-anxiety med even though it is not it's main use.

    Maybe you could look into that, have a little read about it.

    Good luck x

    • Edited


      sorry for the late reply, so ye been on with the doctor today and they have given me pregabalin, now i havent tried them yet and to be honest im not sure if i want to, im murder for looking up reviews and side affects, and by the sounds of it this drug does not sound great either sigh! read alot about addiction and heavy side affects, i wish i had the confidence to just say f**k it and try them but i dont really want to become dependant or addicted to them, to be honest i wish the doctor would just repeat prescribe me benzos because they are just the best thing really

    • Edited

      Repeat prescription of benzos is something you really should avoid. I was on them for years and let me tell you there is no HELL like coming off benzos.

      I was in a clinic and the therapists always say that there is nothing worse and the psychological and physical effects of coming off them go on forever.

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