Terrible nervousness and anxious thoughts about my partner

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please tell me I'm not alone !! I'm new to this site and really struggling with perimenopause symptoms. Lots of stress has happened over last few years and I'm blaming all of it on my partner !! I feel like I want to just run away and never come back, anxiety feelings keep hitting me about my partner and I feel really nervous whenever I think about him, am trying to get through this with herbal medicine but these feelings are awful and I don't want them.Partners always been tough on my son and I've felt piggy in the middle so many times trying not to take sides but sons gone to uni now so pressures off, irrational feelings all the time and fancy being nervous of my other half, please tell me other people feel the same ? No doctor over the last 8 years has ever mentioned perimenopause( I'm 45 now), had an ablation as well last year, help please !!!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Claire fluctuating hormones can make you feel exactly as you describe, I've had and still have feelings like this towards my husband and I'm always looking for someone to blame if my symptoms are bad

    Only you knows how your husbands behaviour has affected you and your son in the past but try and explain to him how you feel and how sensitive all of your senses and emotions are during this change maybe he'll be more understanding than you think

    Take care and all the best to you xx

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply, it means so much youve taken the time.Im such a sensitive person anyway who makes mountains out of molehills, my own worst enemy my partner says, ive felt a bit like this with him years ago but never to the point of seeing no way forward with him.I love him but read too much into things and almost feel like i have to break/ be free from him. Other symptoms going on as well, extreme anxiety making me sick , perimenopause- im having the time of my life( not !! Having a breakdown), thanks again xx
  • Posted

    Hi! Your definitely not alone. Every now and again my anxiety goes crazy, i feel sick can't eat. And then I'm okay for a bit. I take citalopram for the hormonal fluctuations and anxiety. Maybe go and speak to your doctor or nurse, my nurse has helped me so much. I know it's horrible and scarey but we will all get through this. Xxxx

    • Posted

      Hello my posts been deleted but not sure why, thanks for responding , it helps so much to know you're not alone. If I had sweats( had them years ago) or irritability then I could cope, but anxiety, irrational thoughts etc nooooo!!!!!! Tried docs, no use just wanted to give me tablets, I'm seeing a herbalist whose great but old emotional rubbish comes up and I feel I can't cope, oh well you just have to get on with it,thanks for taking the time to answer and I hope you feel better soon xxx

    • Posted

      Hi claire, My anxiety was really bad until I started on hrt.

      It was confirmed in August and I started hrt, I was already on Citalopram which I still take. I'm changing my diet bit by bit as well so I'm hoping that this is all helping, well I do feel better mist of time but I do get my days.

      Go back to the Dr and get tested and then keep an open mind to what is out there to help.

      Keep reading on here the ladies are fantastic and they also make 6oy feel like you're normal and not crazy.

      Take care

      Karen xx

  • Posted

    Hello..   Defiantly not alone..  I feel anixious often and sometimes I don't even know why..  I would talk with your Dr about an antidressant which would help alot.  Also talking with a therapist may also help with these feelings on partner and son as well as how you can cope with this. 

    • Posted

      hi Kelly thanks for replying, am seeing a herbalist and have been to a councillor but can't afford to do it again, will just keep trying and hope I get through this horrible time and you too !! Xx

    • Posted

      Good to hear..  Talking with someone helps-- it made me relize I wasn't going crazy...    You might want to look at Cod Liver Butter Oil as I have read that it helps to balance hormones and could help with anixety.  Also Valarian Root can also help..

  • Posted

    Hi Claire

    The nervousness is very normal the anxiety as well. I had them both really bad! I still have really bad anxiety! It's gotten better but not gone. I worry about my health all day every day! I was never like that before. I'm 49 and this is the first month I have missed my period! If I can make it through tomorrow just maybe I can start counting 12 months backwards!😁 I'm just ready to get this over with!

    So done with peri menopause!😩

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying Maureen, sorry I haven't replied sooner but am a mess ! It's like I can't see a future anymore which hasn't happened before, always been anxious and making mountains out of molehills which is why I had nervous breakdown last year, taking herbal medicine , just wish it was all over and normal again whatever normal is 🙂I hope you will be ok with anxiety , love Claire xxx

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