Terrible night. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shaking, internal shaking

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Tonight by far is one of the roughest nights. I never experienced this before, nausea, vomiting,dizziness, shaking. I had to call my son to come over and help me. I was fine this morning and i was hoping for a good day then around evening, stiff back, fingers and now this. I feel like going to the ER but my son thinks it will just be a waist of time. Since January i have made so many runs to the hospital i lost count. I cannot believe this madness. It scares me out of my mind. I have so many bad thoughts that i try to quickly push aside because then the panic and anxiety attacks. Can all this really just be hormones. I do not no who this person is anymore. Never in a million yrs when i rang in 2019 would i of ever thought this dread was waiting for me around the corner. Someone please tell me they had this symptom. I am scared out of my mind. Thanks

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    I think if it is not improving and you are concerned that you should go to the hospital. You are better safe than sorry. This is not wasting time its called peace of mind. Hope you feel much better soon

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    I had these symptoms. You are going to be ok. I was told by my doctor that hormonal changes often happen when we are at rest, which is why the nights can be so bad.

    Can I ask if you are on any type of HRT. I was taking HRT, but the dose was too high, and when I stopped the sickness, spinning and shakes stopped. If you are not on HRT, maybe the opposite is also true, in so far as may be some would be beneficial.

    Please don't feel alone. What you are going through, and menopause in general is horrendous. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but hold on any way you can, because eventually it goes. You will come out the other end of this misery.

    Sending you warmest wishes of hope, care and love. x

  • Posted

    Helloo dear

    I had all these symyoms from few months.....visited soo many Dr had soo many diffrent medicines but nothying helped. finally i convience myself that its Because of Harmone fluctuation..our full changes during this phase of time.

    Drink alot of water and have veg and fruits.

    Its phase of life and will pass.

    Hang is there.




  • Posted

    No its not just you. i have been in peri since i was 35 and im now 43. I have experienced all of your symptoms causing me to go to the ER so many times in the past 3 years that they know me by face and name. It was always my anxieties although i thought i was dying or having a heart attack each time because of the symptoms. My anxieties were so bad that they literally had to sedate me everytime i went to the e.r . but i have finally learned how to slow my breathing and concentrate on something , just anything until that terrible anxiety attack passes. I pray that you feel better soon and you are not alone . xoxo UNICO

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      me too with the anxiety its pure pure HELL!!!

      Im two years post had a ten year peri HELL

      But the anxiety is a constant thorn in my side

      Great advice though

      God bless you x

  • Posted

    i too had rushed to ER twice, nearly a year ago. i had no clue about something called "perimenopause". but once i started to relate my symptoms to peri, i learned how to identify them and tolerate. changing my food habits helped a lot. i was a gym person for many years. so i can tell that exercise alone did not help. now i try to stay calm n rest during days i feel that some symptoms r showing up, especially anxiety. Have faith, if ur doctor visits have turned out with nothing, then its most probably perimenopause. with time they will subside in intensity and even change. for me some days it is anxiety, some dats it might be body aches, low mood, no sleep, etc. depending on which part of the cycle in in. im staying positive and letting the storm pass. praying also helps, if u r a believer. maybe because it gives us strength to deal with this stage, as with all other stages of life. 😃

  • Posted

    I HAD THIS!!!! a migraine with waves of chills, nausea, shaking and pain. they hit separately in mini waves. .i tried to call someone for help but i could hardly see, or speak. then i slept 6 hours. then i was exhausted the whole next day! this is NO WAY TO LIVE! why dont doctors help us?!

    i blame myself all the time. "oh too much sun, too much wine, was the chicken bad? not enough water? not enough sleep?"

    how much longer ?

  • Posted

    I HAD THIS!!!! a migraine with waves of chills, nausea, shaking and pain. they hit separately in mini waves. .i tried to call someone for help but i could hardly see, or speak. then i slept 6 hours. then i was exhausted the whole next day! this is NO WAY TO LIVE! why dont doctors help us?!

    i blame myself all the time. "oh too much sun, too much wine, was the chicken bad? not enough water? not enough sleep?"

    how much longer ?

    • Posted

      Hi Christine, I have these migraines as well, with the nausea blurry vision numbness weakness can't spesk chills just have to ride the migraine attack out, they are terrible..nobody should have to endure.. Never suffered these migraines before age 45 I'm 48 now and they come every month like clockwork with I'm guessing my shifting hormones! Just wanted to let you know your not alone with these , hope you feel better soon!

  • Posted

    Hi hopeforever

    Get yourself checked out just to be sure. Think most of us have had the internal shaking and nausea but I haven't had vomiting etc and so speak to your doctor. Did you have a think about hrt? Sounds like you could do with something to help you get through this (providing it's not a bug or virus) and it made a huge difference to my symptoms. I hope you feel better today xx

  • Posted

    Hi Hopeforever, I have had severe loss of appetite, shaking, internal tremors, extreme head pressure, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, a feeling of being sick all the time and many more symptoms. Also ended at ER with heart palpitations and high blood pressure. Mine now seems to be subsiding as each day passes. I notice the more I stress the symptoms seems to come on. So you have to council yourself that this is only a transition. Also repeating positive affirmations in your mind can help, eg . the love of GOD for me is healing my entire body. I am not 100% but I pray and believe GOD for my healing . I wish you all the best. MAY GOD BRING HEALING TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF US.

    • Posted

      You are a blessing to all of us! I too have been going through the same issues and it can drive you crazy but I have to Trust that God will see me through. It's a scary feeling. I just pray we all get through with the love and help from each other. This forum has helped me in so many ways. I love you all!

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      Love u too mam..and ur right this forum is blessing to us ..Thanks all ladies for ur support


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      H i Crystals, THANK YOU. The symptoms are really scary. We have to stand strong and support each other and we will come through this transition. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU AND ALL THE LADIES. GOD BLESS!!!!

    • Posted

      i have all these which drives me crazy. how long we have to bear this roller coaster ride. my family doesnot allow me to check bp at home as the readings increases my anxiety. my 12 year old advises me not to google about health instead go out for walk

    • Posted

      Hi, I never had a problem with my BP. My BP used to be low until all these symptoms of menopause surfaced. Its really a difficult time in life. The consoling thought is that we are not alone. That there are so many of us suffering the same symptoms. What is sad, is that there is a lack of knowledge and understanding on how to treat menopause. This leaves us ladies with no solutions to our health issues. GOD BLESS AND LOTS OF LOVE .

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