Terrible pain during the first 2 days of the period.
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Hi, I am posting this for my partner who suffers from pain during the first approx 48 hours when she gets her period. She is entirely in bed for that time every month lying in fetal position. Its has been 3-4 years since she began developing this condition. She is 25 years, thin and short. Only 40 kg in weight. She skips work during those days and doesn't eat much. I am posting this instead of her because she is not comfortable sharing this kind of stuff with others. Can this condition be treated? Thank You
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kim12266 frankdrebin
she needs to visit a doctor so they can investigate further there could be a problem with the womb or cervix ovaries etc period pain should not be so bad it interferes with day to day activities
alexa12059 frankdrebin
I have the same thing (pain is always horrible on first two days, I vomit sometimes, and usually need to stay in bed for first 24-48 hrs). She should definitely see a gynecologist! The doctor will be able to talk to her and prescribe whatever form of birth control (i.e. pills, IUD, arm insert) or other medication is best for her particular pain.
It helped me (and may help your partner) to write, in detail, every symptom that she's experiencing on her period (when the pain starts, how intense it is, other symptoms, etc.). That way when she gets to the doctor and possibly feels uncomfortable talking about the details of her period she can just show the whole list to the doctor. Doing this was important for me because when I first went to a gynecologist, all I said is that I was having bad period pain and she told me the best thing to do was just to take more ibuprofen and use a heat pad, which is not helpful at all for the degree of pain I was in, but I was too uncomfortable/anxious to give more details and ask about other medications.
It's important that she sees a doctor soon, since periods like this are disruptive and unbearably painful, and could impact her mental and physical health if it continues for a long time. It might take trying a few different kinds of birth control/ medicine before she finds one that works for her but it'd be good for her to make an appointment soon. You can message me if she has more questions! It sounds like we have the exact same problem.
frankdrebin alexa12059
Thank You. She is not taking any birth control or medicine currently. Also yesterday, we consulted a gynaecologist and it wasn't really helpful. She gave some pills for thyroid problem (she is thin) and said that this pain would only go away if she gets pregnant. How did you solve your problem? Do you suffer pain now?
alexa12059 frankdrebin
The first thing that worked for me was birth control pills. They stopped the pain and nausea and helped with other things too like heavy bleeding. Ultimately, they made me very depressed and I had to stop. Everyone's body is different and there's lots of different pills out there so it's possible that for your partner, they might help a lot without negative side effects. When I stopped the pill, the period pain came back. Last week I got Nexplanon (arm insert birth control). I don't know how that's gonna work yet, but so far no negative side effects. If there are other gynecologists near you, I would try consulting someone else. I went to 2 gynecologists who didn't seem to take my condition seriously before I finally found someone who actually listened and helped.
kim12266 frankdrebin
sounds like u need to see someone else and that they are not addressing the problem and are fobbing it off
frankdrebin alexa12059
Thank you. That might not help. Because she is averse to taking pills unless its very threatening. She just doesn't trust them because they she says they might have long time negative effects and damage the body. I too have my suspicions. Also the pain will be right back after you stop taking them. Might as well try another doctor.
frankdrebin kim12266
Thank you. I just want to know if that condition will go away or not. Because if it won't, its useless to see any more docs.
kim12266 frankdrebin
it depends on what the cause is as many things can cause it like i said she needs proper examinations ultrasounds etc to rule out any problems with the reproductive oragans periods should not be that painful u cant function theres usually an underlying cause