Terrible pain under breast, ribs, upper and mid back, neck, shoulders
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Ladies i woke up this morning with such pain under my breast,ribs, upper and mid back and shoulders. It also feels like maybe i have some heart burn. It is a awful feeling that makes my upper body feel heavy and breathing. Has this happened to anyone.
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pamela2016 hopeforever
im having same issues along with bowel issues neverending i have bad indigestion i been chewing antacids like crazy misery somehow everyday
debra16694 hopeforever
hi there - i have gotten discomfort everywhere that you state, but i first noticed it in the upper right quadrant area & was convinced i had liver/pancreas issues - i did go for an upper right quadrant CT SCAN. Its pretty crazy how this hormonal change can wreck havoc on all our body systems. i went thru months of this discomfort & now that doesnt seem to bother me like the crippling arthritis like aches i am currently experiencing - i just want to wake up symptom free soon!!! hope you find comfort soon -
louisa24 hopeforever
I also experienced this with awful joint pains. The pain in my breast bone went away but the joint pain is now arthritis which just seemed to turn up during menopause. Doctors don't seem to connect the two, but I am sure it is connected as a lot of women seem to have this.
tam34579 hopeforever
oh my bless your heart . I have not had this yet.. Just a thought make sure your not having a gallbladder attack. I hurt like that with mine until I had it removed. The neck pain I'm. ot sure about. But after my period ended I used to get terrible shoulder pain from muscles tension. my shoulders would kill me and across front of my chest.. It affected my neck as well . I know it was hormones causing it because it only happened after my period was over for a day or two. I I'm so sorry your having this problem I hope it gets better ..
kim93615 hopeforever
hi hopeforever
yes, I get the breast pain the back the shortness of breath I even get skipping heart beats. I get join pain its hell sometimes dizziness can't sleep at night the ringing in the ear. all this feel scarey I dont know what to do.
Eliaimee1970 hopeforever
im here at work crying . im not sure if is that i did the lawn yesterday or is my last day ovulating /fertil day but my left side breast, shoulder and under the armpit and when i talk or raised my voice is kind of hurt my breast. it is not the first time but my anxiety gets me everytime. i need reasurance even though i have test done and all came out clear. i have check my BP and is normal .